venetian plaster..

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New Member
hi eveyone...

does anyone do marble plasterering on this forum ?thinking of doing a course .is there good money in it?
any info would be great.
I knew a guy who done a course on it, and it does look fantastic.
He must have priced over a hundred jobs and never got a single one.
Its too expensive for most people and is more likely to be companies/reception areas etc.... who will want it done.
I fancied it myself, but if im not going to get any work from it, i wont bother.
anyone see grand designs last night? monday 14th april... some couple spent a million quid buying a prefab house from germany, bit of venetian plastering, looks the nuts..
yeah i see that it was well good..what kinda money can your earn what is it per squar meter or sumfing??
Hello Lewis
Have just done Goldtrowels course which was really good, ther is not much call for it but I think this is down to most people being unaware of it. the main reason I did it is that i want to do my bathroom with it and the price of a tiler was about the same as the course. The instructor who taught me charges about £75 square meter and that includes all the materials, companies who do it can charge way more than that. The effects are stunning and I think it could catch on once more people know about it.
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