Van Security

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The way things are fellas not getting your van done over is unlikely unfortunately, over the last two decades or so i've been done twice. The amount of gear i have in the van at times these days is a concern so i've ordered some of those armaplate locks for the doors, i'll post on how easy or hard they are to fit soon, i hope they'll be a deterant and my motor will be too difficult for the scum to do and they leave it alone, who knows?
never lock mine ;D a mate fitted a light in the back of his with a pir on it and one of those shed alarms with a pir, he had the pir from the shed alarm poking through the bulkhead pointing towards the back doors, this meant he could arm it from inside the cab when he got out. if anyone brook in and opened the back door the lights came on and light up the hole van, plus the alarm was blasting and if it was dark then the scum couldnt see anything because the lights blinded them for a few mins. I think i would prefer 2 barrels pointing throught the bulk head on a trip wire. ;D ;D ;D
those armaplates sort of advertise the fact that there's something worth pinching in the back though
I know what you mean Goody but those scum know there is in most vans, even if there aint it don't bother them, they've caused damage to your locks and you end up with a hasp and staple with a padlock instead. One of the blokes on a site the other day had his done between 10.30 and dinner, just a nail hole sort of below the side door lock, tapeing boxes , pump and cordless gone.
I think it would pay to have one of those tool boxes bolted inside the van , I am also going to start chaining the machine and genny up in the van as well. even if they get in it will make it difficult to get the kit out.
i knew a guy who went to look at a job in rough part of town when he got of the van a helf young man said he would mind his van for a small donation he told the boy thanks its ok i have a dog in the van to which the boy replied can the dog put out fires u cant win. ;D
I've got some advice on armaplates, get them fitted by someone else, taken me from 12 till 3.30 to do the back one.
plaster man said:
i knew a guy who went to look at a job in rough part of town when he got of the van a helf young man said he would mind his van for a small donation he told the boy thanks its ok i have a dog in the van to which the boy replied can the dog put out fires u cant win. ;D
;D ;D ;D
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