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New Member
Just interested in the different types of security systems people have on their vans.

more so with regards to stopping the little b..........s getting the doors open for the tools, rather than alarms to stop them being nicked.

Ive seen some vans with monster padlocks on all doors.

Any info, cus i want to get mine done asap. Ive got the citreon dispatch, and theirs just no where or way of fixing padlocks and hasp andywhere on the back doors??? ???

Trouble is you put the big locks on and the little twots think there must be sumut in there worth nickin,best do like rich and put the old vault in the back..... :-[
i have windows on the back so they can see insid and see theres nothing to nick, tho tey could do me a favour and take that old tub of b&q pva out the way for me like... but then agian im sure that wont last long as they'll break in thingkint theres bound to be satnav inside somewhere.

when i upgrade and buy a bigger van i'll be fabricating a steel cage door which will have very good quality locks on purely so i can leave some bits and bobs inside, van will have to be immobilised aswell but its the only way due to my lack of storage i my new place (behind the flippin sofa!) and i'll have a van vault bolted down inside purely for powertools.
is there any type of alarm we can get..cuz my alarm dos not seem to work unless u jump around inside it!
Mate used to leave his dog in the van overnight [a big alsation] only trouble was the mess and smell in the morning that he had to clean up.Van never got broken into though. ;D
oasis said:
is there any type of alarm we can get..cuz my alarm dos not seem to work unless u jump around inside it!

even the cheapo ones from argos come with a sensiivity control which you can adjust, problem is if they're set too low someone can walk past and cough or a bit of thunder can set them off easily, least you know it works, just tweak it i guess, deff worth having IMO
yeah sure they still sell em, maplins will no doubt have them and motorworld, halfrauds etc just a case of connecting them to the battery and then bolting it to the chassis somewhere and adjusting the sensitivity knob, pay a few quid extra and you can have ones with voltage drop sensor type thing on so when the inside light comes on the alarm will be triggered also if it hasnt already been triggered through vibration
my mates old boss used 2 buy the old police riot vans with the cage in the back, if u cant get out your definatley not gonna get in.
Van vaults are alright untill they decide to nick the whole van thats what happened to me van was alarmed up and crooklocked police reckoned they picked it up and put it on a lorry with a hiab as 13 identical vans whent missing that weekend in that part of North London apparently all exported to the middle east they werent after the tools just the van but unfortunately the tools were in it.
think its fair to say that nothing is really safe, ive had 3 motorbikes stolen, all locked up! funnily enough i dont bother with one now.
hollybank said:
Mate used to leave his dog in the van overnight [a big alsation] only trouble was the mess and smell in the morning that he had to clean up.Van never got broken into though. ;D
Could it put out fires though
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