urgent price help

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New Member
need help please nt been workin for myself long i need help priceing a job

its a farm conversion the meteridge is 213 sq mtrs of wall and 120 sqr mtrs of ceilng ???

the problem i have is i dont know wether its dot dab and skim ???

or bonding and skim ???

they wont tell me properly wats involved coz they have more people putting prices in so if you kind people out there cud give me a round about figure

on both bord and skim bond and skim i would be much appreciated

thnks ric
dont even think about giving a price for a job you cant see :o
what is the reason they wont give you the spec?
and other people pricing is a load of b*ll***s ;)
they put an add on gumtree so i replied as you do ???

its in the same area i live so though easy work lol

how wrong im not sure y they wont but am going to email themk 2moz

can u give me help on tht estimate of meteridge m8 im so used to domestic work and givin prices per room and tht ????

your help wud be appriciated
Barn conversions are normally fiddily round rafters trusses etc if it was me i'd work out how many days i think it would take me for every 5 add a day plus the gear and go from there.That way you know you'd make your money.
If I can't see it and no spec then I would'nt give a price. Simple as I'm afraid.
thnx for the reply's folkes :)

ive re emailed em and basicaly told them if i carnt see the job and wat it entails and also for me 2 measure then i carnt price it >:(

well as can imagine they aint replyed yet lol ahhhh well
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