UK average skimming prices different areas

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New Member
ok guys this is for sitework only skimming prices not one off jobbs we want the average price for skimming over boards in your area and no porkys lets see if we can build a profile of the uk's different areas AVERAGE prices just add your prices and I will update

South Yorkshire area skim only £2.50/3.00

North East Area skim only £2.50/3.00

North West area skim only £2.50/3.00

Bristol area skim only £3.50

Midlands area skim only £2.25/3.00

South East skim only £3.75 ?

Dublin area skim only e4.50/6.00
I know its not the uk but here in dublin you talking about 4.50 to 6.50 per m2 that euro.Work is tight at the moment so you really have to take what you get I usually price at 25 euro per board tack and skim on a new build and thats direct to builder.
Kev we are after the average site prices for subcontract work not one off houses we are after the prices the big firms are offering you please confirm if its the same m8 cheers
Hey tommy your getting prices for skimming but what about rough and set and rendering? Are you gonna start a new thread? or throw it all on this one?
Bloody hell i worked in gurnsey 13 years ago but what i remember the money was pretty good came home with nothing and a bit of a hang over ;) was suppose to work 7 days ended up staying there for 10.
ok guys this is for sitework only skimming prices not one off jobbs we want the average price for skimming over boards in your area and no porkys lets see if we can build a profile of the uk's different areas AVERAGE prices just add your prices and I will update

North East Area skim only £2.50/3.00

North West area skim only £2.50/3.00

Bristol area skim only £3.50

Midlands area skim only £2.25/3.00

South East skim only £3.75 ?

Dublin area skim only e4.50/6.00

actually it was the SOUTH i meant not south east/ not mush difference really anyway it was £3.75 i wa told ueah for skim only
well lads there dosent seem to be a massive difference in prices at the mo £2.50/3.00 skim is more or less the going rate,

Bod there dosent seem to be much float / set around, at a guess i would say £5.00 per meter I remember when i was getting 60p skim and 1.20 float/set, those where the days

people keep telling me that not alot of the young spreads can do float/set so they say it should be very well paid for the few that can do it on price but I have never heard of any big money being paid for it, just £5.00per meter wich really is chite

float and set was allways double the price of skim but I have heard its starting to drop lower than double price, the beuty about hardwall is if you are on decent blockwork you can really spread it out and thin down I remeber the first hardwall job I did it was 16 /17 years ago being used to browning and skimming all my life the change over to hardwall was a nice suprise as I seemed to be able to get it thinner without showing on the finish job which meant at the time an extra 30 odd meters per week compared to browning, I can remember because my pay jumped up to over £70 per week extra which was a massive difference at the time
i get 4 to 450 m2 on board salisbury south central looking at oter areas i shall certainly not be moving perhaps i've just a generous gaffer
Yeah i've worked in jersey was there for 6 months but working for my employer at the time from the mainland so no difference in wages hotel was good and going out drinking eating etc was cheaper as were tools and i've a 5 year old daughter from my time there so yeah all round good times ;D
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