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I have always used 14 x 4 3/4 inch stainless marshalltown trowels for skimming , s+c etc etc.

Was thinking of trying the same size but in mild steel .... what do you think ????

they break in quicker rich and aslong as they are gettin used every day u wont get a rust build up just keep a can of wd handy
Mild steel break in better and finish better though nowadays as i dont plaster every week i use stainless just because of the rusting.
they aint mild steel lads trust me..
if they were then the first time you used it you could fold the bugger up and put it in your pocket..
theyre carbon steel, harder, stonger and they prolly got a bit of something else in there to to help it retain its shape maybe copper but then that would make em cor10 so maybe not?
I'm pretty much the same as you Richard , allways used ss mts a untill a couple of years ago now use 13 carbon tyzack premiers they took some oil stone work and a few floor screeds to bang them in but know i use nothing else , i also sanded down the wooden handle as they are a different feel to the mt but now i dont notice any difference .
My old gaffer had like certain trowels for certain jobs like one for laying skimming on then one for troweling up i just have one trowel for everything what about you lads??
Got 2 Marshaltown stainless 13" trowels, one for laying on and one for polishing. The polishing one is as sharp as feck, had a few nasty cuts from it. Ma mate uses a carbon trowel for polishing as apparently they are sharper than stainless trowels.
13" stainless tyzack ready to use, for laying on with after a few bit of s&c an 11" ss marshall for final trowel (cos i think i get more pressure across the blade), and a new 13" perma im using on mono at the min, used to use 14" permas until a much wiser spread told me to try the 13 " and ill never go back ive tried the 18" aswell but couldnt get on with it never seemed to be able to load anymore up or get anything on faster with it an the spread i was workin with just took the piss all the time ;D ;D
I recently came across the tyzack pre worn blah blah blah..thought id keep it as a spare and lay on with it to see i i got on.
Truth is i luv it more than my wife now...
Bought a 20'' ss marshalltown trowl of a mate of a mate almost new,bit fookin large but he only wanted 15 quid for it,thought it may come in one day.
skimmin2day said:
I recently came across the tyzack pre worn blah blah blah..thought id keep it as a spare and lay on with it to see i i got on.
Truth is i luv it more than my wife now...

mine was shite (sed ready to use) when i first got it need a a good bit of rendering before it became anygood for skimming with now its spot on lighter than a marshall and with a modified marshall handle on it feel good to
Sorry you miss understood what i was saying, i only use it to lay on,not for squaring up or polishing although in theroy you could and i think it would be ok and just about acceptable.....but i always start to work my next trowel in 6 months in advance when i can.
My main trowel is very worn in and would take ur finger off,i made a case for it out of and old cushion foam also to stop it getting damaged and cutting me.
Ive had my skimming trowel about 7 years so i am thinking about breaking in new one ..... maybe I havent been working hard enough lol ???

I used to use my MT 13 ss gold for everything but now!!.....

I lay on with my 16, really lays it nice then I use an 18 to flatten off makes big areas and ceiling look like a billiard table I then drop back on to the 16 for 2nd coating and use that to trowel up then I get the MT 13 out and do the finals with it and to say the results are perfect is an understatement.

I know a lot of you guys only use one trowel but I like using this method works welll for me and my partner in crime has now started using different trowels.


PS just over a week to go!! getting excited now
richardbrown said:
I have always used 14 x 4 3/4 inch stainless marshalltown trowels for skimming , s+c etc etc.

Was thinking of trying the same size but in mild steel .... what do you think ????

itll sharpen up quicker as softer metal...but i dont like cleaning at the best of times lol....let alone wd40 and all that malarky.....

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