Trowels you use

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Right I use a 13 inch torwel for laying on then I use an 18 inch torwel for troweling out

I have just bought a 16inch trowel for laying on in the hope that it will aid mw in increasing my speed. Also I now using a 14inch Hawk.

All my tools are marshaltown.... personally I think they are the best!!

What are your veiws

Hey Danny,

I use Marshalls, some people say tyzack are better. I go with 13 for getting it on and depending on the background sometimes trowel out with my trusty 18, this works lovely over boardwork!!!!!

But I wouldnt be without my trusty brush for wet trowelling and edge work!!!!

As for the hawk its just a 14 inch.
all my trowels are marshalltown i use a 13 inch trowel for setting i use it for laying on and for troweling up no real reason for the size it was just the size they had and as ive had it for over 10 years its worn in a treat and is lovely and sharp

i use a 14 inch golden stainless steel trowel for rendering (which is my everyday trade i specialise in external renders)

ive tried tyzack but i never really liked them i found the blade was alot thicker than marshalltown so took a lot more effort to wear them in
strange that I found the Tyzack to be thinner! I love my MT 14". I have an 11" Tyzack for laying on. For backing I use a Ragni which is cheap but does the job. I've also got a B&Qs own which I use for scraping the floor and throwing at labourers!! I've also got a 20" floor trwoel which I actually use for ruling off small patches of backing. It's stiff so gives a nice edge.

Thinking of getting another cos I ain't bought anyting shiny lately!!
i got 2 14" marshall town permashaped one i use for skimming and troweing up and the other for rendering. do you lot wear yours in first with render?
when you buy a new trowel use it on rendering as this is the best way to break em in, however ive just bin lookin at a tips site which says you can break em in with an oil stone and a file for the corners and some sand-paper which i always use anyway... ;)

Well after a hard week on the new 16 trowel and 14 hawk they seem to work well.... HJad some real areshole jobs this week!!

all mine have been filled much nicer

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