trowel storage

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Private Member
might sound like a stupid question but whats the best way to store a trowel when its not in use.
i bought a bag from B & Q put my tools in there and one of the trowels is a bit out of shape, does it matter?.......... any1 got a better way to store them cheers
Ive allways thought there was room for somthing for a plasterer to carry there trowels in, a little bit like this maybe Link Removed not sure if it would work after all its somthing else to lugg around.
i use a large bucket mate and hang the trowels off the edge ...........i dont like bags either cause all the tools clatter round together
p.s niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice church ;)
trowel storage

now thats what im talking about...... 8-)
Ive had one of those for about a year or so , i keep all my fixing stuff in it , like hammers,snips,scrapers , knifes, tape measure , screwdrivers, nails etc etc. For domestic work its priceless its prolly the best thing ive bought it saves a lot of time knowing where everything is and its keeps it all dry so nothing gets rusty ;)

The only down side is cause come from the states it doesnt fit over our size buckets so i had to addapted one but it was well worth it and it was only £15 if anyone wants one pm me and ill give you the details or if Danny dont mind i will post it ?
church....... what buckets did u try using and could u send me details . also i spoke to rollins today and they dont supply them because of the buckets
They got one for me mate .....i had an old setting bucket i just the rim off about two inch down from the top sliped the bucket bag over it and re- fixed the handle took about five minutes..... Any way try 0800 783 2203 and ask for Dominic he will get you one he was going to get the buckets from states to, failing that tell Rollins you want one anyway and do what i did bodge one up.
i thought about using a 5 gallon fermenting bucket..... if i got one.
cheer for number curch ill give him a ring 2moro
Ive got to biggish tool boxes one for wet tools trowels floats brushes etc and one for dry tools tape measure pad saw snips pencils chalk line etc basically anything i don't want going rusty or getting damp as for out of shape trowels its not too bad if i slightly curves up but you don't want it pis@ed the other way it'll leave lines all over it.
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