Trading 212

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"getting into shares" - unless you really do your research and have a plan then it's just the same as betting on the horses or dogs. Even with research and a plan it is still a form of gambling. Then you choose who to place your bet thru'.
For a cycnic like me it's a suprise that 212 seems to be ok, despite being Bulgarian based with a UK licence. You can take your own view on security of having something like this on your phone. I think the ease of use promotes short term "investment" just like a betting app, with the same lack of consideration, which is why it is popular with "day traders" who think they can make a quick buck by responding to share price changes quickly - and some can, but they spend all day at it.
Most of the guys/girls on here seem to take a longer view and feel property is a steadier nag to put their money on.
"getting into shares" - unless you really do your research and have a plan then it's just the same as betting on the horses or dogs. Even with research and a plan it is still a form of gambling. Then you choose who to place your bet thru'.
For a cycnic like me it's a suprise that 212 seems to be ok, despite being Bulgarian based with a UK licence. You can take your own view on security of having something like this on your phone. I think the ease of use promotes short term "investment" just like a betting app, with the same lack of consideration, which is why it is popular with "day traders" who think they can make a quick buck by responding to share price changes quickly - and some can, but they spend all day at it.
Most of the guys/girls on here seem to take a longer view and feel property is a steadier nag to put their money on.
I would definatly be doing research on what i was putting my money into iv always been interested in the idea of it but just started to get a bit of money to the point i think i can afford it
Invest in a ftse 100 isa tracker fund. Invest for long term ie 10yrs plus proceeds will be tax free

Anything else is a sales gimmick or scam