top coat s+c

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kirk johnstone

Private Member
i went to look at a job today that another plasterer has done, its a render finished with a brush pattern.
the other spread has done a shite job and the fella wants me to go over the top but he dont want to pay to knock it all off, just wants me to go over the top. the problem is i dont think that the last guy has used waterproofer so how bo i kill the suction?

i would normal use pva but alot of people disagree so i want to know what to use?

in advance-cheers lads ;)
use it as a slurry carlos, if youve already got a key kirk you might just get away with water so it kills most of the suction and scratch it again with waterproofer, doubt you want to use youre 3-1 mix though mate chances are the last lad has used 4/5-1 so you could start with a 6-1 with waterproofer and a 6-1-1 to top it ......not sure of the scratch coat though dont know if it would be a bit weak with no lime
aint got enough room for a scratch lads because i will come out infront ov the sandstone heads and sills i have to try and go straight over it, it has not been painted and the pattern he has done has left a good key, i just need to kill suction, i am doing it off a tower, me and my lad and i cant be doing with constantly wetting the wall, just want to know what i can paint on that will stop the suction (but not pva)
;) ;) ;)
if you have the mechanical key there I would just roller neat sbr onto the wall and lay my top coat straight on, if you have any sbr left then divide it up and throw it in the mix for good measure.

costs ....... £15- 20 per 5ltrs, use it neat it will prob cover 40m2 quite easy.
richardbrown said:
if you have the mechanical key there I would just roller neat sbr onto the wall and lay my top coat straight on, if you have any sbr left then divide it up and throw it in the mix for good measure.

costs ....... £15- 20 per 5ltrs, use it neat it will prob cover 40m2 quite easy.
do i let it dry first mate?
or you can use cementone waterproof pva mix with sand and cement brilliant stuff let it dry then apply render from bq
if the brush marks are not to heavy give it a coat of primer then a thin coat acrlyic top coat nice finish and wont need painting... these products are made for this... go for a 1.5 - 2mm grit if brush marks are heavy
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