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S a plastering

Private Member
got a bit of tiling to do for this builder and he wants me to tile on concrete slab which is spot on level which adhesive is best and also what pre treament for the concrete is best eg pva .sbr etc tiling not my strongest point but its only a small area cheers
neoprene primer I would say but if it's a choice between pva/ sbr then I would go with sbr every time
You can use bal acrylic primer or a thin coat of Bal bond sbr then cement based adhesive.
If it's only a bit on a wall i'd used ready mixed adhesive over the acrylic primer.
Cement based adhesive.shouldnt need a primer if the floor is sound and not dusting up if you use a primer use the one made by the adhesive company no come backs definitely not PVA. I always use flexible adhesives dearer but better.
Cement based adhesive.shouldnt need a primer if the floor is sound and not dusting up if you use a primer use the one made by the adhesive company no come backs definitely not PVA. I always use flexible adhesives dearer but better.
yes ive bought some of that cheers mate
no primer at all... just make sure concrete has been down minimum of 60 days and propery cured... damp down concrete so adhesive spreads and awy you go... if the spec sheet says use a, b oc primers then use thm otherwise dont bother

PS before SBR, Unibond, primers were ever invented real plasterers knew the backgrounds/substrates they were applying the materials to.... suction control does need to be addressed at all times... new concrete will not suck in... old/cured concrete will... just use water mate
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