Thistle Durafinish

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The Lake Governor
Has anyone here used this? I've been asked to price a couple of jobs using it lately and most of the suppliers hadn't even heard of it!! Those that had didn't stock it and you had to buy it by the pallet with no split pallets and when the job needs 1 1/4 pallets and it costs around £9 a bag it's a mare, 3/4 of a pallet at £9 a bag is just to much to loose on one job.
Thanks Monk and Grand I've already got all the details and spec on the product from BG and the price I was quoted was from Penlaws, I just wondered what it worked like, then if its not bad it may be worth taking the hit on having to buy a whole pallet when I only a bit of it and then using the rest on other jobs where its not spec so wouldn't get paid the extra.
Try getting Walls and Ceiling International to price it. There in Warwickshire but cover the whole country.(For big orders.)
Only used it once, found it very sticky and difficult to work, then again I could have been using it wrong!! If you think about the difference between hardwall and bonding you've got a similar difference between multi and durafinish.
We used Durafinish on a cafe/conference centre and its not great to work with. Its a bit like chewing gum on the hawk, did'nt finish as well as multi. We used it on the lower parts of the walls that were prone to impacts and feathered into multi for the top (walls were up to 6m high). Weird thing was there was no planning permission or building warrant for for the build (which we did'nt know at the time but we still got paid), it was on a country estate and the guy paying for it could'nt open it once it was finished because the builder was a rouge b*****d!
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