Alright Lads,Just a quick one,when talking about thistle board-finish is just calling it thistle right and every spread would know you're talking about board-finish! ???
Yeah Spunky's right in the old days it was either Sirphite, Carlite Finish or Thistle boardfinish. Now everything is Thistle this and Thistle that so it's only us olduns that think of Thistle as meaning boardfinish.
In the old days there was a thistle wall finish as well. [ now i'm showing my age] board finish was a white/green bag, wall finish was a red/white bag , there was also a plaster called statite.
Lesson time, Carlite plaster is so called because it was once called "Carlisle light weight plaster"
and Thistle was Mcgees plaster from Scotland Hence the name thistle, I belive Bg bought them out and so became Carlite and Thistle plasters.
You still get grey now we have just had a batch of grey bonding but i have also used grey carlite finish (years ago) but i think its where they source the gypsum is why it changes colour.
When I started there was Siraphite for sand & cement work Thistle boardfinish for board and Carlite finish for Bonding and Browning, after a while they did away with Siraphite and bought out Siraphite B which didn't last to long before they replaced it with Multi-finish which could be used on all backing coats. I remember talking to a BG rep back when I'd just started and he said that they weren't supposed to be used on different back grounds to the one they were made for. I know loads of people have done masses of work using boardfinish on sand & cement without any problems, but if there was a problem for whatever reason then using the "wrong" plaster would get the blame.
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