this winter

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Private Member
its started badly we all agree but is there any forecast or predictions that anyone knows of that will tell us how long it will last? What do the experts recon?
As rendering is my main activity and based on last year being bad right up through march I cant even guess when it will pick up and advising clients is a guess at the mo.

cant find anything on the net. anyone heard any long term forecasts ?
long term forecasts are a joke. they can't even get 3 day forecast right half the time.
havnt worked all week myself cant phisically get van out,i ve nerver known it last this long,apparently its going to last a while couple of weeks so it said on our local weather today[im in north yorkshire].although how they can tell i dont know , something to do with the weather fronts coming from the east as oppose to more generally west
am in the same boat lads doing my head in so much work to get threw but twiddling my thumbs every day cos a cant get on
Its Easterlies mate they reckon another 5 days but who knows, my neighoubor came back from work yesterday with 6 inches of snow on his car, only 15 minutes drive but 100 Mtrs higher than we live but nothing here.
Same as owl ive not been near the van since monday and couldnt get it out if i tried, lol. About 14 inch of snow here im supposed to be doing some insides so will still be there at the end of the day, so im not getting stressed just enjoying the time i get to spend with my baby so all good.
does your head in though sat at home all day,first day back today in a week altho not looking good for tom as its fairly coming down now,and were over 1000ft above sea level.i have a four wheek drive, mrs takes that to work but even that aint much cop because of the black ice on our road doesnt thaw out through day as it doesnt get above freezing.
and to add insult to injury i have 2 lads on books full time to pay then we have dreaded 2 weeks off over christmas to stump up for.
Same as owl ive not been near the van since monday and couldnt get it out if i tried, lol. About 14 inch of snow here im supposed to be doing some insides so will still be there at the end of the day, so im not getting stressed just enjoying the time i get to spend with my baby so all good.
nice one Flynny enjoy the bairn while you can... looks like my hatches will be battened down until febuary
been ok not much snow here in the southeast on a nice re furb job , done the screed and rad walls warm as toast now
lets be honest,it`s hardly going to be to cold to render until march.(unless you live in scotland).we had a cold spell last year,but most of the winter was`nt to bad.sometimes you need to take a gamble.probably not a good idea if it`s -20c over nite.
i dont take the chance to be honest,whats point in risking it.leave outside jobs until march onwards just plan inside projects only.
Yeah I always tell punters that I won't do it until March or later. Don't want the comebacks - and more to the point - I don't want to be outside all day freezing me fackin nuts off:RpS_scared:
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