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what would you charge for this job :- town centre, double yellow, maybe squeeze a tranny on, watch t

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  • 400 - 450

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  • more than 450

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sounds like its a nightmare L&P is such a messy job to take down, which means it gets charged at a premium.
If you're dropping the L&p you'll have to get rid off it too. Need a skip? wheres that going to go? Bagging its a PITA can you chuck the laths in a garden and put a match to them.

2 Days - skip & mats. Id be looking for more than 450 TBH horrible job.
yep 2 days for defo 500 plus materials would leave labourer to take down ceiling and bag up and hope th roof insulation doesnt fall down,would get rid of rubbish at local skip hire companys yard,is it an empty property or are they living there,allow aday take down and get rid of rubbish and a day to board and skim and patch around edges if needed
i was thinking along the lines of 2 blokes to drop it and board it - morning, 1 bloke to skim it afternoon.. in the loft, kick it down, let it settle and big bucket it into the back of the tranny loose, only 1 ceiling...
hopefully should be able to get tranny on front to load/unload, seen people do it down there before..
last thing id wont to do is start boarding and skimming the same day s**t up to the eye balls in black l and p dust,it aint nice i asure ya,youll be coffin up black nuggets all day ,is there any insulation above the ceiling
dunno yet, bit of luck its isowool or similar.. had one the other week was that loose recycled newspaper.. not a happy chicken... still, couldve been loose rockwool i spose..
just didnt really fancy takin 2 days over it when 2 blokes could do it in one, like you say shitty job, might as well get s**t up once only and a good watering down the pub after..
gonna have a look in the morning, marriage guidance place, could even be occupied downstairs whilst work in progress so might go for a weekend, and if its loose rockwool the overboards lookin tempting...
could always drop the plaster with a shovel and leave the laths up?
Ive done it before and screwed some 2 x 1 batten through the old plaster into the joists to support the ceiling then put in new false ceiling suspended below.

What you will find when you strip the lath and plaster off is the bottom of the original joists will be up and down like a dogs dick so if you board it then allow in your price to bond out and rule ceiling flat.

Rich b
I cant help but think that there are some spreads that dont seem to know how to price jobs up, some of you are way to cheap which then I start thinking why are you so cheap and remember customers also think that, being cheap doesnt mean you get the job.
Ive done a few of these and its right that you should aim to get the ceiling down and boards up and then feck off for the day cos youll be as black as a coal miners shovel. An even if your masked up it will get in your throat and its a killer. If it gets too dusty a trick i use is to get a spray bottle and mist the room. Water is heavy and sticks to the dust and brings it down quick.
Take the plaster of first usualy with a shovel behind it and then clear it up before you take the lathes of if you take the whole lot of in one go its a nightmare to shovel lathes and plaster of the floor together.
went and had a look, only 3x3 if that its tiny, and not too bad...
gonna take the plaster off then see wots wot, board straight onto laths or 2x1 tile lath over the laths into the joists with packers and board that..
then skim it...
easy done in a day i reckon, on me own too, theres a car park round the back too belongs to the place, needs a saturday though...
quoted 400 quid..
and thats including contingency...
last bloke quoted 500...
im thinking i could have gone in at 350 and still made a killing but greed got the better of me... specially when he said what the last bloke quoted ;D
let you know if it comes off..
i know what you mean about bein too cheap though, take the middle quote and all that...
when i have done these jobs in the past I have left the lathes up if there is nothing wrong with them, as its usually just the plaster thats come away.
The car park will ease a lot of the ball ache. Id save judgment on the greed until you've removed the plaster.

Mind you - Im still piss poor at ceilings, so what do I know :)

I've never managed to get one boarded out on my own either - seem to need 1 more hand, I've always paid the lad a beer token to hold the board. Is there a black art I don't know about?
thats just it innit, keeps all that black crap up there, plus if the edges come away ok a 1/2" board comes near enough to the right level with the skim..
plus wot lucius said is true..comes off with an upturned shovel and its straight into a bag or a bucket..
art to boarding on yer own, use 6x3 boards..
make up some sort of tree and leave it wedged lightly under the last board, offer your board up, hold with one hand, grab the tree with the other, wedge it and screw it..
i usually take a body on jobs like this though just in case it does turn out to be a feckin nightmare..
Doing 8*4s on your own is always tough i use a pair of board mates which are a great help comined with a prop when ime on my one, the board mates also make the job much quicker when their is two as you can both start screwing up quicker.
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