Bring back the green!
Bring back the green!
It is super fast
Life’s complicated enough without trying to figure this new stuff out.
Will we be post videos without youtube .
that is the plan
My bike forum went for the same platform and stopped counting how many times they were down
So @Danny is getting with the Brexit vibe? Blue forum to go with the blue passports.
So @Danny
Nothing wrong with moving the furniture round and redecorating once in a while. It's definitely a lot quicker than it was.
So @Danny
You may want to put in some sort of moderation for videos posted direct to the forum. At least YouTube filters them to a degree.
I am hoping green will be back tonight
This colour scheme is OK, not that the green wasn't but sometimes a change freshens things up. That said, too much change all at once isn't very popular.
Machines, Flexible trowels, Spatulas and now a new forum!
The Plastering game is going mad!
Like the new style Danny. Good work