thinking of gettin some stilts

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chaps,been on my own now for 5 years just doing domestic work really....just want to know what peoples take on them.....are they a yay or a nay?
i just got the new marshalltown 2.0 and they feel very secure with the thick leg pad compared to the first marshalltown stilts..well worth having ,not to good on dust sheets tho!!
Stilts are great mate , you can pick them up cheap off e bay. Two bits of advice try and have a go on a mates and see are you go on and second if your tall you may find your to high when skimming ceilings. Mine are 18"-30" I think there is a smaller size.
Sur mag magnesium stilts don't buy marshalltown 2's the only good thing is you can adjust the hight quickly and you never need to, they feel clumpy and you're rigid on you're heels cause there's only one spring on the front buy the sur mags and treat yourself to the gorilla straps
stilts are a lifesaver mate well worth the money i bought a set of marshall town skywalker 1's i tried the 2's but i found them to stiff on my ankel which after half hour made my calfs feel like they were on fire. i bought the ones and use them all the time and regularly dnt bother getting down off them all day (plastering ceilins of course i dnt just walk around on stilts everyday) i find thier very comfortable.
i had to buy a set that were already set up though, the first set i bought wernt and i came to the conclusion you need an engineering degree to make em.
had mine for a few months now, they're great, till you come off em. Had em on the highest setting to do a high ceiling. Think one of teh springs for the foot wasn't tensioned right, it's alright on the low setting, and I came off - chucked me trowel away in time. But fcuk me it's a shock. Kinda lost me bottle when I got back up and put the last coat on. Most sort me springs out.
Stilts are good but to get the best out of them you need a lab with you. As you got to get of stilts to mix up,also If you drop something too.
Then you got the problem of lifting ur mix high onto a spot board!Becuse lifting 40 kilo onto a extra high spot and tipping it out aint easy on ur own.
Also the problem of you can only do the ceiling when you have stilts on,so a small wall at same time a no no unless the stilts are on off on off.
Thers times also where you cant use stils i.e if floor sheeted
I wouldnt waste a lot of money on em mate just a cheap set of ebay and see how u goes at first.If after 6 months ur using them and happy to only do a ceiling with stilts on then buy a good comfortable set.
Personally i have a cheap set stilts someone recommended on ebay had them a few years now ,not the most comfrtable but do the job if i need stilts on that partcicular job.
i used to use them all the time when we had a lab, now i'm on my own if the ceilings big enough i will use them, if not ill do it off the hop up and do a couple of walls aswell. i still keep them in the van though as they are handy to have
stilts okay if your onsite flat clean floors domestics sheets on floors & other crap left lieying around imo domestics ( hop ups ) on site ( stilts ):RpS_thumbup:
i had the 18-30's but sold then to a workmate cos im lanky string bean and got the 15-23's both sets were the cheap ones off ebay, cant fault em :RpS_thumbup:
Most def a Yay! had them for 10 years now, had the first marshaltowns until a theiving t**t took them, got the new marshaltowns and after going back on my mates the newest version is 10x better! bollox to needing a lab, mix it n put your tub,pale,board up on a hop up and stop being a lazy b*****d, never use a crate anymore. can still do walls and ceiling at the same time. takes tells then 2 mins to take them off ( quicker then kicking a crate or hope up around the room)
if your still considdering getting some i used mine today on a 40 m2 ceilin smashed it out easy.
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