thincoat inside

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New Member
been thinking of way s to generate new income .is it a daft idea to say offer a thincoat finish in kitchens refurb job . they do some nice colours might look good in the right sort of place or is a non starter?
orite rich, i've toyed with this myself........a thin-coat finish would be well at home in architect designed buildings with bold chimney breasts and double height spaces etc. couple them with stone and some sexy timbers and you've got some serious eye candy potential for dramatic interior spaces.
thought it might look good my mate fit s high end kitchens thats what got me thinking . i had in mind cottage s or even a living area in the off white maybe .could be the new artex goody ;D
i done all inside my fireplace with monocouche (used the old cemrend in millenium silver) and created a bell feature over the opening and done the botton in a brick effect render , done it about 10 years ago and it still looks tidy
you can on un painted render . cement boards .not sure about unpainted plaster but think you may be able too . with the sas i was told prep coat with mesh .light coat if needed .tint/seal then the colour tex that was by there tec dept for old brickwork .they were supposed to be sending me a bit to try out
i got some german bagged render on the inside of my fireplace (wood burner) think its shwepa , its the b@ollox tho its a big wood burner gets very hot , no sign of cracking tho!
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