Thin coat acrylic render

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Reet fellas, i've been using some thin coat renders Sto and Alsecco. I have decided to make my own and have put together my own mix which is virtually the same if not exactly the same as sto or alsecco. Has anybody else done this and would it be of interest to anyone. It cost about £30 for 10 litres to mix it yourself???
Strange one that mate, how the he'll are you making it? That said bout 2-3 quid per litre/kg is the going rate?
is it silicone based and does it have the stay clean pigment also? I am getting this stuff now from a supplier for less than that?
Ok fellas, for ten litres it will cost about £17.00 my mistake sorry lads. Dont know if this is cheap as i have only used it on a labour only basis. It is silicone based.
I have made 2 other products 1 is a coloured self leveling floor screed which colour is added and then sealed its exactly the same as micro-cement. To use this product commercially it has to be tested by the BBA and they want £20,000.
The other is a decorative concrete for walls and because of the nature of this product it does'nt have to be tested. When it is finished it looks like granite, a bit like terrazzo. I have my first job doing this next week on a bathroom and will post some pics. This has never been done before anywhere in the world!!!
Ok to make the thin coat render mix 1 part Masonary paint to 1 part quartz sand.
The quartz sand you need is bought from Longrake Spar tel:01629 636210 ask for 0.7 to 1.2mm grain size and costs £5.50 for 25kg. this sand is washed and dried.
All masonary paint is silicone/acrylic resin based and can be bought for £15.00 for 5litres.
After it has been mixed leave it to soak for at least an hour before using so the sand soaks up some of the pigment. The sand will thicken the paint so may need to be watered down before use just like Sto.
If you want a colour simply have your local paint shop mix it for you before adding the sand.
What sort of paint would be as good as premixed stuff? I mean as good not a poor alternative. Or even better do you know what paint the render companies use?
So when thin coat renders are offered in silicone OR acrylic is that right? Knocking up your own modern renders......what traditionalist can argue with that!

One thing though, I've used for example parex's equalising paint and it ain't no sandtex, that's why I ask about the quality and opacity of the base.
I am buying coloured silicone renders for 45 quid a 15ltr tub
if sandtex is 16 quid a 5ltr tub then multiply by 3 and add your grain you are up to 54 quid plus you are mixing it youself and can offer no insurance backed guarantee for your system.

The big flaw is the cost of paint because its cheaper to just buy it.
I am buying coloured silicone renders for 45 quid a 15ltr tub
if sandtex is 16 quid a 5ltr tub then multiply by 3 and add your grain you are up to 54 quid plus you are mixing it youself and can offer no insurance backed guarantee for your system.

Sandtex = £16.00 for 5 litres.
Grain = £0.22p per kilo X 5 kilos = £1.10p
total yeild = 10 litres for £17.10p

is it silicone based and does it have the stay clean pigment also?
Dont know what the stay clean pigment is i have been adding different pigments to plasters and renders for quite some time and have never heard of this. It does however contain a chemical which is both anti-fungicidal and anti-algae so will not inhabit any bacterial growth, as for dirt and grime from weather and traffic i dont think anyone can guarantee this will not happen.

But yes there is no guarantee, sandtex put 25 year guarantee on their masonary paint but because it will be modified this will be void.

This is not my system i just wanted to break the material down and make my own, i didnt set out to make a cheap alternative just to understand the product more.
where am i going wrong here maaan.
sandtex = 5 litres
+ 5 kg of grain.
how does that = 10 litres ??

all the paints manufactured by render companies are about 70-80 quid for 15ltrs
SAS silicone bucket render is £33 per tub of 17kg(is that 17litres then?). Very competitive.

On a separate note, If your into ur formulations CKJ have you any thoughts on the formulation of EcoRend? It's been suggested and denied that it's in fact krend with recycled glass in it. Better for it too IMO.
Yes thats 17litres.
Never used ecorend but most modern scratch renders are sand and cement based with a light aggregate, pigment and powder polymer/waterproofer/silicone

I have a product of my own that contains recycled glass its not unusual!!!
this is an interesting thread, but where is is it going? is it to save money on lobs to become more competitive with prices? or is it just to say you can make the stuff quick if your short of a bucket or 2 ?
personally i would just buy what i needed for the job with 10% over (just in case)
Render Systems said:
this is an interesting thread, but where is is it going? is it to save money on lobs to become more competitive with prices? or is it just to say you can make the stuff quick if your short of a bucket or 2 ?
personally i would just buy what i needed for the job with 10% over (just in case)

He does say earlier in the thread why mate, he isn't trying to produce a cheaper version, just likes to break products down into their component parts , so as to create a better understanding off their differing propertys etc (i think thats what he means)

CKJ said:
I am buying coloured silicone renders for 45 quid a 15ltr tub
if sandtex is 16 quid a 5ltr tub then multiply by 3 and add your grain you are up to 54 quid plus you are mixing it youself and can offer no insurance backed guarantee for your system.

Sandtex = £16.00 for 5 litres.
Grain = £0.22p per kilo X 5 kilos = £1.10p
total yeild = 10 litres for £17.10p

is it silicone based and does it have the stay clean pigment also?
Dont know what the stay clean pigment is i have been adding different pigments to plasters and renders for quite some time and have never heard of this. It does however contain a chemical which is both anti-fungicidal and anti-algae so will not inhabit any bacterial growth, as for dirt and grime from weather and traffic i dont think anyone can guarantee this will not happen.

But yes there is no guarantee, sandtex put 25 year guarantee on their masonary paint but because it will be modified this will be void.

This is not my system i just wanted to break the material down and make my own, i didnt set out to make a cheap alternative just to understand the product more.
The problem is on most jobs the spec is stated as Sto, weber, parex so if you go with your own then you could be walking into a mine field just to try and save a few pounds, I cant see how you can know what goes into a bucket of , say Sto. you may be able to make something that looks and smells the same but i doubt if it is. Also these products are guaranteed .
warriorupnorth said:
Render Systems said:
this is an interesting thread, but where is is it going? is it to save money on lobs to become more competitive with prices? or is it just to say you can make the stuff quick if your short of a bucket or 2 ?
personally i would just buy what i needed for the job with 10% over (just in case)

He does say earlier in the thread why mate, he isn't trying to produce a cheaper version, just likes to break products down into their component parts , so as to create a better understanding off their differing propertys etc (i think thats what he means)

CKJ said:
I am buying coloured silicone renders for 45 quid a 15ltr tub
if sandtex is 16 quid a 5ltr tub then multiply by 3 and add your grain you are up to 54 quid plus you are mixing it youself and can offer no insurance backed guarantee for your system.

Sandtex = £16.00 for 5 litres.
Grain = £0.22p per kilo X 5 kilos = £1.10p
total yeild = 10 litres for £17.10p

is it silicone based and does it have the stay clean pigment also?
Dont know what the stay clean pigment is i have been adding different pigments to plasters and renders for quite some time and have never heard of this. It does however contain a chemical which is both anti-fungicidal and anti-algae so will not inhabit any bacterial growth, as for dirt and grime from weather and traffic i dont think anyone can guarantee this will not happen.

But yes there is no guarantee, sandtex put 25 year guarantee on their masonary paint but because it will be modified this will be void.

This is not my system i just wanted to break the material down and make my own, i didnt set out to make a cheap alternative just to understand the product more.
Well i understand that as i make my own polished plasters
still no clearer how you turn 5 litres into 10. Explain it to me like i'm a moron

@ goody sas renders are 17kg but most bucket renders are 25kg £33 into 17 kg = 1.94 a kg £45 into 25 kg = 1.80 a kg. The price is similar
goody said:
What sort of paint would be as good as premixed stuff? I mean as good not a poor alternative. Or even better do you know what paint the render companies use?

Most use basf colur schemes pal
CKJ said:
Ok fellas, for ten litres it will cost about £17.00 my mistake sorry lads. Dont know if this is cheap as i have only used it on a labour only basis. It is silicone based.
I have made 2 other products 1 is a coloured self leveling floor screed which colour is added and then sealed its exactly the same as micro-cement. To use this product commercially it has to be tested by the BBA and they want £20,000.

The other is a decorative concrete for walls and because of the nature of this product it does'nt have to be tested. When it is finished it looks like granite, a bit like terrazzo. I have my first job doing this next week on a bathroom and will post some pics. This has never been done before anywhere in the world!!!
CKJ said:
Ok fellas, for ten litres it will cost about £17.00 my mistake sorry lads. Dont know if this is cheap as i have only used it on a labour only basis. It is silicone based.
I have made 2 other products 1 is a coloured self leveling floor screed which colour is added and then sealed its exactly the same as micro-cement. To use this product commercially it has to be tested by the BBA and they want £20,000.
The other is a decorative concrete for walls and because of the nature of this product it does'nt have to be tested. When it is finished it looks like granite, a bit like terrazzo. I have my first job doing this next week on a bathroom and will post some pics. This has never been done before anywhere in the world!!!

Its not like marmorino this concrete/granite effect plaster you talk of is it? some do look a bit like that and i did see one plaster before on a one off wall that mimics concrete exactly. it was on britains best home programme or summit like that
Its not like marmorino this concrete/granite effect plaster you talk of is it? some do look a bit like that and i did see one plaster before on a one off wall that mimics concrete exactly. it was on britains best home programme or summit like that

No its not marmarino ive used lots of marmarino and other venetian plasters this is far better. It is applied 10mm then polished.
The job i am doing this week has been held up by the plumber but will be applying it on saturday and polishing it on wednesday then sealing it saturday.

I will post some pics when finished
so is it the same gear as thay do the floors with then polished later?
Its not what i seen on tv, that stuff was exactly like grey concrete that had been polished
so is it the same gear as thay do the floors with then polished later?
Its not what i seen on tv, that stuff was exactly like grey concrete that had been polished

Yes Its the same as they use on floors and moulded worktops but its never been done on walls.
I can make the finish your talking about though.
that looks imressive to me. I was asked to do a coloured screed recently and was looking at weber maxit coloured screeds that are quite expensive, what are the limits like can you use over a anhydrate screed
there was a house on grand designs (wales i think) had something that looked like that for the floor, looks lovely but costs a fortune.
that was lime screed and they wanted to polish it after. balls to the eco crap. it took months to set and cost a fortune..waste of money all the green guff
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