thin coat acrylic applicator

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plasterjfe said:
7000 on one block and poss same on block2
May have missunderstood you i dont want to learn how to do this as i actually teach it if you want a hand and need some good spreads pm me with prices etc

i know you dont want to learn symmo (altough i could teach you a thing or two ;D ;D ) i know you install systems. see your PM
Render Systems said:
plasterjfe said:
i know you dont want to learn symmo (altough i could teach you a thing or two ;D ;D ) i know you install systems. see your PM

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I never ever mind learning anything mate... is the job similar to this one or is the access easier? this was 4 floors with voids right through to to bottom

That is the job it needs re-doing ;)
flynnyman said:
Render Systems said:
plasterjfe said:
i know you dont want to learn symmo (altough i could teach you a thing or two ;D ;D ) i know you install systems. see your PM

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I never ever mind learning anything mate... is the job similar to this one or is the access easier? this was 4 floors with voids right through to to bottom

That is the job it needs re-doing ;)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D oh the wit
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