Thermaboard and hanging heavy things


New Member
So I've got three new rads to put on walls that we've had thermaboard put on. Two rads are pretty small (30×1000mm) but the third is a beast at 60×1200mm and about 30kg empty. Plasterer said the thermaboard can take at least 25kg on each fitting - is that right?! Planning to use the biggest hollow wall anchors I can fit through the radiator brackets and put 4 in each bracket...
Will it fall off and take the board with it?!
So I've got three new rads to put on walls that we've had thermaboard put on. Two rads are pretty small (30×1000mm) but the third is a beast at 60×1200mm and about 30kg empty. Plasterer said the thermaboard can take at least 25kg on each fitting - is that right?! Planning to use the biggest hollow wall anchors I can fit through the radiator brackets and put 4 in each bracket...
Will it fall off and take the board with it?!

Should be ok.
Depends on what you use to fix. If the boards been dot and dabbed we normally use corefix fittings for a big rad (can be bought from screwfix etc . If it's just stud wall you can find numerous methods for fixings on youtube for large weights.

Get this right or the rad can rip off the wall and empty gallons of black splurge all over your new carpets..
Tbh the plumber should advise you what to use...theres a vid on youtube of a guy doing chins ups off a vertical heavy rad fitted with the corex fittings.