The revolution has started

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Well keep posting these threads because it is just going to bite you on that rather considerable backside of yours lol
Only one thing worse than a Tory and that's a Scottish Tory. Your the only Scottish Tory I know, you must have been dropped on your head when you was a baby or something.
Didn't go to well last night did it Mr @flynnyman.

Don't bother with the excuses and mugging yourself up even more.
Lol you still haven't commented on a single link I've shown you hahahahaha I tell you what we will see the real results later and their impact, let's not rely on the BBC lies. I don't know why your so happy ukip lost every seat lol
Lol you still haven't commented on a single link I've shown you hahahahaha I tell you what we will see the real results later and their impact, let's not rely on the BBC lies. I don't know why your so happy ukip lost every seat lol

As you know I never watch the biased liberal luvvie BBC, they must be distraught today.

Btw I've replied to virtually all posts