The Future is all green

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The more I research this green movement the more I know not to take my eye of the ball here.
What I understand so far is we have a housing stock of solid built houses of 6 million there abouts. It is also said 21 September, Chris Huhne announces that “were all 26 million households to take up the Green Deal over the next 20 years, employment in the sector would rise from its current level of 27,000 to something approaching 250,000 workers I think what is ment by this is we all
have them silly light bulbs and grants for loft insultion. that's been put on hold what a gravy train for sure. Now they are looking to the bigger problem of the solid brick housing sector to start to insultate these buildings. on the external works . These buildings will be rendererd or brick slips used. The problem is who is going to pay. They are saying the engery suppliers should start paying in return for carbon credits . Also they are saying it will put 5% on the price of your home should you pay yourself. Will post more when I know more or understand more. Should any of you lads no more on this and willing to share will look forward to your post
I wouldnt get too excited too soon I have been following this for years and as always in this country it takes years of talking with little action. many of the schemes have been looked at and many have already been done but the render firms along with inca and the gov have discussed many a time the schemes and the budget figures discussed were way off - something like the Gov wanted the cost per house fully supplied and installed including all wellfares and scaffs at around 5K. now that is not possible, you would struggle to even supply and fit only for that. Now they are looking upon the big corparate energy Co. to get involved who will try to mass market the work eaga are already in having bought outright permarock and its installation companies in turn and I also heard that now british gas are fitting ewi on one scheme. you will get some poles turning up in british gas vans with trackers and timers on them so they can monitor every job.

Keep me eye on it tho. I priced one or two schemes for the council estates but the prices are tight for my liking and We are cheap!
Thanks to henry & plasterjfe for pointing us in the right direction though, this could be huge in the future:RpS_thumbup:
I did read somewere that a average price for a terrace house would be 5k. Ive not a clue if at this price you would make money as I do not no the cost of gear to do this kind of works. The green deal which starts next year The Government announced in the Queen’s Speech that it is to introduce legislation which will enable households to finance more expensive measures like solid wall insulation with no upfront costs. Through the Green Deal, energy efficiency work could be repaid through a charge on a home’s energy meter offset by the savings made on fuel bills, meaning many householders will benefit from day one. This Green Deal is expected to be available in late 2012. So I think if your house is been done and you should see savings in bills those saving will not end up in your pocket as they will change the tarrif on the meter to off set payment for cost of works.
ireland already has a grant scheme in place whereby 4k or so is available towards the cost of EWI on your home.......but look at the sheit they're in. The meter payback is a good idea though as i price this sort of work often for residential customers and the odd commercial project but the cost puts most domestic clients off really. Those who proceed are hardened eco nuts(in a good way) who take it upon themselves to sort their homes out and do something for the environment. Most people care but can't afford it currently.
I did read somewere that a average price for a terrace house would be 5k. Ive not a clue if at this price you would make money as I do not no the cost of gear to do this kind of works. The green deal which starts next year The Government announced in the Queen’s Speech that it is to introduce legislation which will enable households to finance more expensive measures like solid wall insulation with no upfront costs. Through the Green Deal, energy efficiency work could be repaid through a charge on a home’s energy meter offset by the savings made on fuel bills, meaning many householders will benefit from day one. This Green Deal is expected to be available in late 2012. So I think if your house is been done and you should see savings in bills those saving will not end up in your pocket as they will change the tarrif on the meter to off set payment for cost of works.

Dunno about the type of house but I was under the impression that it would be on a typical stock semi (ie. three sides) at the mo you would struggle to make money on that along with all the ancillaries that need to be fitted to accommodate the system to an older property and then access bundled on top of wich the cost would have already been taken out. mats aint getting any cheaper either.

the saving on the bills takes years to cover the cost of the system also that puts private owners off because they prob will move after ten years and see it return.

this lot will be looking to spend money on the new energypanel systems that are coming onto the market now. not only will it cover your power but it will also supply extra that will go back into the grid and in turn they will pay you for it! fancy that - instead of a bill, a cheque coming through th door.

Happy days.
you right there goody. most people who are serious about getting it are eco guru types with a fw quid stashed away.
she's been hibernating through all this lovelly weather recently....but i think she's gonna get a sweat on end of this week if the blockwork dries out!

this whole ewi thing has been a long time coming but the green deal does look long as the greedy utilities don't hog all the work for themselves. The part i don't understand about reading the pdf on it is how as a tradesman you'd arrange the scheme if you sourced the work yourself? Would you get affiliated with an energy company and be a sort of finder for them where you would carry out the works?
she's been hibernating through all this lovelly weather recently....but i think she's gonna get a sweat on end of this week if the blockwork dries out!

this whole ewi thing has been a long time coming but the green deal does look long as the greedy utilities don't hog all the work for themselves. The part i don't understand about reading the pdf on it is how as a tradesman you'd arrange the scheme if you sourced the work yourself? Would you get affiliated with an energy company and be a sort of finder for them where you would carry out the works?

Thats just it pal. I know that manufacturers are in on it a speci level (permarock are offering somethin i hear but they are owned by energy co. eaga now so what does that tell yer) so it will be sorted and passed out their to the favourite firms etc and on the energy/utilities co. side of things well they would tie up any greendeal paperwork themselves I assume and just get their fitters to install. so as for the businesse's looking to offer the scheme to their own customers - watch this space, or not.

Aside from the initial excitment in the original thread (sorry to burst the bubble a bit henry) British gas or whoever installing render systems is scary
thats how I see it not wow this will open the flood gates.

but only time will tell Goody I can only make assumptions and best guesses. One thing I do know tho is most suppliers put their prices up in Jan and the cost of the render systems across the board has always been an issue for people and made my job as a contractor difficult because you can only really trim your own costs because what you get of mats lets face it does not make a huge difference over the job. I have actually stopped marking up material because I think there is no room left after the suppliers costs.
were approved for rockwool's rockshield system and theyre hiking their prices 4% from feb. This won't help when people are scarred off by the current prices! British Gas are using rockwools system badged up as their own and peddling it as Ecorock and they've just aquired ECL contracts an established ewi firm. The only thing i can think is competitivity. My overheads will be considerably lower than the likes of british gas, eaga, npower and even tesco, m&s and B&Q etc. so hopefully there will always be a chance to price competitively and win work
Well i hope so and like to think the we can cut them but I have seen some prices from big corperates lately and they had smashed contracting rates right down to scoop up loadsa schemes and when I spoke to the respective reps on how they manage it they recon because they mass market it they only make a fraction per M, crumbs as he put it but they can offer such rates because it aint their only business arm or source of income.

Do you think British Gas have gone down a similar road with ECL to what Eaga have with permarock to stich up the whole market - ie energy co. / product and installing all in one
Well - someones gotta install it - and if the rates are shite the poles will do it. Which leaves us to get on with everything else at a proper rate. Meanwhile British Gas or whoever start getting sued for piss-poor work and the rates are forced up................if we stick together:RpS_thumbup:
er think your in a fantasy world,same experience as plasterjfe,
ive priced work against some shocking prices recently.a project i recently priced against another bigger out fit than me,there qs told me after they priced the internal float and set and tacking ceilings at a loss because they made on the outside mono work.looks better at end of year for turnover.
might aswell pack it in and sit in wetherspoons all day.

and bubbles your activity rate is 100% do you live on here or what lad.
er think your in a fantasy world,same experience as plasterjfe,
ive priced work against some shocking prices recently.a project i recently priced against another bigger out fit than me,there qs told me after they priced the internal float and set and tacking ceilings at a loss because they made on the outside mono work.looks better at end of year for turnover.
might aswell pack it in and sit in wetherspoons all day.

and bubbles your activity rate is 100% do you live on here or what lad.

to be fair the bigger companies have the cheapest rates, thats just how it is thay turn over more work so are happy to take a smaller mark up on th measure because there is loadsa measure going through at once anyway, they will always be competetive, its only on small works (wich thay dont usually bother with anyway) that they are to expensive. I know firms with over a hundred lads on the books and the mark up is a tiny fraction of the subbie rate per M
theres loads of getting done in the north east but its a joke... half the cooncil houses are getting done and the nextdoor neighbours who have bought their properties cant afford it so the estates look s hite... im busy pricing up 16,000 M2 of it but its on Yas Island Abu Dhabi
theres loads of getting done in the north east but its a joke... half the cooncil houses are getting done and the nextdoor neighbours who have bought their properties cant afford it so the estates look s hite... im busy pricing up 16,000 M2 of it but its on Yas Island Abu Dhabi

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Yas Island Abu Dhabi you say? my favourite place in the north east give me a shout and i will see what im upto :)
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