the best of ...(town)

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New Member
anyone hurd of a company called The Best of (then ur town name ie stroud) they are a advertising company basically if you sign up for a fee and a monthly arrangement you can have you company on a page in there famous blue book that goes out to 100,000 of people starting next months a section on there webs site..a page on there in store TV screens that they have in there shops ..there like an information centre they do loads of stuff busses with your logo genrally spread the word and you get to meet loads of other people that sign up and get work via this.. they only take you on if you have good proof that your work is good ie references..

iv just took a risk and signed up for it..sounds very good to me i rang another member and they said they get most of there work off this..price go from £50-£400 a month!

i no first thing people will think same old crap but if you do a search on them they are good for local work.
let us know how you get on mate will you?
in my experience if they have to call you to get you to advertise with em theyre generally full of sh't..
i had a bad experience with thomson local last year, the salesman filled me with a great big pile of sh1t, i only found out when another 'salesman' called me and offered me the same bullshit, thing is, that bullshit contradicted the other guys bullshit and they were from the same feckin company!!
be carefull with your hard earned mate, thats all im sayin..

p.s. please, nobody confuse this with deco render, i'd never heard of 'deco render' as a product but ive heard of 'advertising'..
well this company say they only take on te best as they say and if u have more than 4 bad reviews (every job u hand out review cards that go online after)they will send u packing.. iv garn with a £75 a months hoping it all goes well..i let you no how it some van prints sayin iv be seclected by the best of cheltenham
also the guy who came round my house to talk about it owns the company (he says) and there was no pressure i far as i can see he left and i rang him back and he left it 2 ays befor coming back to me..i knocked him down on the pagage down from £100 pcm to £75 and he said as they dont have a plasterer onboard so he will do the offer. sure they are there to sell as i found out last min there was a joining fee of £150 and all the prices were not inc VAT but he has already got me a job even befor i signed up ..some1 else who is a member needed some plastering doing and iv done a trade off with them
can you cancel at any time mate or are you tied in for any length of time?
had a similar deal few years back on the old home improvement company i used to run, gave you stickers for the van, forms for the punters, idea was that prospective customers rang the number you gave em for a reference etc..
if i remember right it was a coupla hundered quid a month or so..
my paper ad is 68 quid so 75 quid a month aint bad mate... long as you get at least one job a week..
where do they advertise on your behalf? cos thats what its all about mate, if they dont read it you dont get the leads, and leads is what you want mate...
well they have a shop in the town centre were people go to..they have a bus and car going round town a website and booklet that goes out .. um they hold events to show off local companys iv ot a stand for the summer he said if i bring some kind of plastering demo and give out flyer ect could be good i pay £35 a month for a local directory to so im ou there now just gota wait and hope for the best
Dont know how long this company(best of) has been going, But theres a company down south im a member of
called Check a Trade . com Theyve been going for 10 years now costs you £75 a month for youre own web page on their site so you can put photos of work to potential clients also you hand out monitering cards to clients for work done and they score you in different catagories 0-10 and can make their own comments which then go live on the website so if youre work is good you got nothing to worry about ! I get all my work form
check a trade dont need to advertise else where. Also I go out in a leaflet with 1 other plasterer and 50 other trades in the area 2 times a year each time 100,000 deliverd by royal mail so if anyone down this way well worth checking them out for your selves
oasis said:
well they have a shop in the town centre were people go to..they have a bus and car going round town a website and booklet that goes out .. um they hold events to show off local companys iv ot a stand for the summer he said if i bring some kind of plastering demo and give out flyer ect could be good i pay £35 a month for a local directory to so im ou there now just gota wait and hope for the best
doesnt sound too bad at all, couple the two together you could be onto a winner mate..
i joined last year , it works at it best if you go to the netwoking events , you have to pay , but you meet different people from loads of backgrounds ,leave them your card .Bit like speed dating with buisness cards.Reckon i had about 6k from it last year .
kebab king said:
i joined last year , it works at it best if you go to the netwoking events , you have to pay , but you meet different people from loads of backgrounds ,leave them your card .Bit like speed dating with buisness cards.Reckon i had about 6k from it last year .

what town was the one you were with ? and did they have a shop and the blue book thing?im askin as the guy told me they are the only ones with shops i just wanna no is he is talkin crap.
No , he is correct , i was with the best of Aldershot , they worked from a small office .Its one of things , the more you network , the more that come , if you attend these events , just sell yourself as the biggest ,the best , the cleanest etc,etc.
f**k that! I've never advertised and i'm not about to start lining some salesmans pocket on the offchance of a job.
Networking Shmetworking!
They are always going to tell you that they haven't got any of your relevant trade on their books. Anything to take advantage of peoples current situations.
thats exactly what thomson local bloke told me and i was stupid enuff to believe him.. well for a week anyway, then some other f'ckwit from the same company rang up with the same shpeil and the penny finally dropped..
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