The Apocalypse

Bill Clinton said the other day and I quote " it's her turn " like she had some god given right, well sorry bill it's not
e has a year or two left . Looked like a ghost. Seeing everything is going away will be the end for him and the Clinton dinasty and we can tank only one person for this- president Trump. The whole world knows when he hits back, he hits hard!
donald trump is an american version of our own boris johnson,..who is also a buffoon,out of his depth,arrogant,rude deeply offensive,....unfourtanetly trump is in charge now,...he has relied through out this last campaign on scare stories, conspiracy theories, offended the disabled ,scared bullied women, numerous law suits are going through the courts against him now , and downright lies,...and yet still the american people voted for him,.....between him and clinton i would have voted clinton,...two bad candidates, will be intresting how many promises he keeps to over the coming months and years especially the wall between mexico and america which he promised to build, still might need some rendering done on it,.....trouble is that last remark i made is not even funny or sarcastic as this is one dangerous man in charge now ,....personally think that this result is as much as a suprise to trump and the republican party, i thought from the start trump was a stop gap until some serious republican candidate came along, bottom line is they wanted the democrats out no matter what, ...problem is they are now in on a ticket of lies/conspiracy theories etc,...what to do now,if they do not keep to there promises this potentially could ruin the republican party for decades,
@hector, I can't believe what you have just said all the above applies to Clinton more than trump (except the wall ). The Clinton's are crooks.
Good point on the republicanism hector. They hate him too. They despise him. Pagey, I'm British thank you very much and I've a right to question it's politics and live in my own country whilst picking it up on some of it's disgusting foreign policy.... Arms to Saudi and invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm still British because that's where I was born and lived all my life. Both grandfather's fought in ww2 and very proud of them and wear a red poppy in their memory alongside a white one, these wars were self defence. I will continue to fight the British government in my own way when they do something as vile as invade foreign lands for oil because it is the right thing to do as a human being. As for a flag, I couldn't care less, I am a member of the human race.
On The bricklayers forum they are already applying for visa to America to get this wall done a certain amount of cock swinging going on ranging from 100 blocks a day to a million before tea
I have a vision of a disheveled Donald in his jimjams top and Y-fronts walking along a White House corridor at 2 in the morning, a little worse for wear after a night on the piss, looking for the bog, using one eye to stop the double vision, noticing a red glow from under the door where the "button" is kept........sniggering, making that "shushhh" noise, opening that door and with a wrinkled up face giggling, and saying to no-one in particular......"pffft, they'll never know it was me".....ahehehe
On The bricklayers forum they are already applying for visa to America to get this wall done a certain amount of cock swinging going on ranging from 100 blocks a day to a million before tea
Divide the wall into 103m sections and there's a guy on here that'll give it a go!!
America has a tradition of political dynasties, from Kennedy, Bush, Clinton etc. It kind of makes up for the fact they don't have a royal family. A lot of the rhetoric Trump has been spouting is basically electioneering talk.

Watching him this morning you can see his manner is already tempered, many people work behind the scenes in any government and not much is going to change.
@hector, I can't believe what you have just said all the above applies to Clinton more than trump (except the wall ). The Clinton's are crooks.
quite right gps, but i also said two bad candidates both are flawed etc etc but of the two i would have voted clinton,,,,,, was watching the results come in this morning at 4.15 a.m. i could not believe it then and i can not believe it now, very important item that has not been raised is the reaction of world leaders/american public/british public etc , disbelief, shock that he has got in, are just some of the comments on the radio/tv news channels,...........on the job today was 2 joiners and 2 electricians and a labourer and at bait times we were all agreed on one thing that we could simply not believe he has got in , fair enough there was 2 electricians included in this but come on they deserve a say
quite right gps, but i also said two bad candidates both are flawed etc etc but of the two i would have voted clinton,,,,,, was watching the results come in this morning at 4.15 a.m. i could not believe it then and i can not believe it now, very important item that has not been raised is the reaction of world leaders/american public/british public etc , disbelief, shock that he has got in, are just some of the comments on the radio/tv news channels,...........on the job today was 2 joiners and 2 electricians and a labourer and at bait times we were all agreed on one thing that we could simply not believe he has got in , fair enough there was 2 electricians included in this but come on they deserve a say

That's because he is anti establishment, and because he says what he thinks and not what should be said, and because he wants to put America and Americans first good on him I say
Good point on the republicanism hector. They hate him too. They despise him. Pagey, I'm British thank you very much and I've a right to question it's politics and live in my own country whilst picking it up on some of it's disgusting foreign policy.... Arms to Saudi and invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm still British because that's where I was born and lived all my life. Both grandfather's fought in ww2 and very proud of them and wear a red poppy in their memory alongside a white one, these wars were self defence. I will continue to fight the British government in my own way when they do something as vile as invade foreign lands for oil because it is the right thing to do as a human being. As for a flag, I couldn't care less, I am a member of the human race.
How can you be a pacifist but wear the poppy? The poppy is for the battle of the Somme although it's now used to represent all men who have fallen, saddam Hussein killing his own people is right is it? Asad using mustard gas on his own people is right is it? In world war 2 hitler wasn't even remotely interested in Britain all he wanted was main land Europe but we couldn't stand back and do nothing, did you moan when Tony Blair took us to Iraq? What about how Blair has made millions of pounds off the back of the millions of people he been involved in people being killed? What about Keith Vaz and the rent boys corbyn is a champagne socialist and a joke, you couldn't care less about our flag??? Well that's a f**k img insult I pride myself on my flag like many people around the world do on theirs you have no shame with your left wing ideology and way you speak ill, if you have the right way to solve problems get yourself a platform to spout your drivel, enough is enough sick of the shite I hear from the likes of you and the propaganda machine in BBC and the mirror
America has a tradition of political dynasties, from Kennedy, Bush, Clinton etc. It kind of makes up for the fact they don't have a royal family. A lot of the rhetoric Trump has been spouting is basically electioneering talk.

Watching him this morning you can see his manner is already tempered, many people work behind the scenes in any government and not much is going to change.

I think they will Obama was powerless so couldn't do anything, trump can change things as he has the majority to do it
Trump won because he spoke common sense and because he is proud to be American and wants to put America first, brexit was the same it won because it's about britains interest first, so take note Mrs T May

Times are changing and for the better.

The eu will fall and fall soon especially if marine le pen can pull off a win also
That's because he is anti establishment, and because he says what he thinks and not what should be said, and because he wants to put America and Americans first good on him I say
thats fair enough gps,..thats your opinion thats okay,...we are all entitled to our opinions
How can you be a pacifist but wear the poppy? The poppy is for the battle of the Somme although it's now used to represent all men who have fallen, saddam Hussein killing his own people is right is it? Asad using mustard gas on his own people is right is it? In world war 2 hitler wasn't even remotely interested in Britain all he wanted was main land Europe but we couldn't stand back and do nothing, did you moan when Tony Blair took us to Iraq? What about how Blair has made millions of pounds off the back of the millions of people he been involved in people being killed? What about Keith Vaz and the rent boys corbyn is a champagne socialist and a joke, you couldn't care less about our flag??? Well that's a f**k img insult I pride myself on my flag like many people around the world do on theirs you have no shame with your left wing ideology and way you speak ill, if you have the right way to solve problems get yourself a platform to spout your drivel, enough is enough sick of the shite I hear from the likes of you and the propaganda machine in BBC and the mirror
I don't want to get involved in your beef that is going on and reading your posts I am in agreement with you. But you can be a pacifist and wear the poppy.

It's all about remembrance, many men in both World Wars got drafted up regardless of their views, pacifist or war monger, it makes no difference. WW1 especially, alot of men from this country had no choice but to fight.

So the poppy rises above any political movement.
Trump won because he spoke common sense and because he is proud to be American and wants to put America first, brexit was the same it won because it's about britains interest first, so take note Mrs T May

Times are changing and for the better.

The eu will fall and fall soon especially if marine le pen and can pull off a win also

Brexit happened and Trump won because people were/are fed up with the continuing cycle of 'elect someone, get fcuked over' repeated time after time. So as soon as something truly different came along they grabbed it.
How can you be a pacifist but wear the poppy? The poppy is for the battle of the Somme although it's now used to represent all men who have fallen, saddam Hussein killing his own people is right is it? Asad using mustard gas on his own people is right is it? In world war 2 hitler wasn't even remotely interested in Britain all he wanted was main land Europe but we couldn't stand back and do nothing, did you moan when Tony Blair took us to Iraq? What about how Blair has made millions of pounds off the back of the millions of people he been involved in people being killed? What about Keith Vaz and the rent boys corbyn is a champagne socialist and a joke, you couldn't care less about our flag??? Well that's a f**k img insult I pride myself on my flag like many people around the world do on theirs you have no shame with your left wing ideology and way you speak ill, if you have the right way to solve problems get yourself a platform to spout your drivel, enough is enough sick of the shite I hear from the likes of you and the propaganda machine in BBC and the mirror
I wear the poppy out of respect for my grandparents. I understand it's wider connotation but do it out of respect to those that saved us from fascism. You love your flag if you want to, I just don't think of life in that way, I don't see what's wrong with that. I think it's just small minded, no matter what country it is. I remember traveling round the southern US states in the early 90s seeing the American flag on the pole on the lawn everywhere and thinking, that's weird, now we see it everywhere here chavving up neighbourhoods. Awful. As for corbyn being champagne socialist, you're not having that one. Bliar yes, Prescott yes. Corbyn, love him out loathe him, he's a true socialist and I'm very proud of him for that.
I I don't want to get involved in your beef that is going on and reading your posts I am in agreement with you. But you can be a pacifist and wear the poppy.

It's all about remembrance, many men in both World Wars got drafted up regardless of their views, pacifist or war monger, it makes no difference. WW1 especially, alot of men from this country had no choice but to fight.

So the poppy rises above any political movement.

I only give to 2 charities and that is the poppy appeal and also donate to the cab drivers who drive the old war veterans over to Holland every year free of charge and rely on donations to get them there, no war is good and if we was invaded then I would like to think real men would stand up and be counted and wouldn't play the pacifist card if we did
I wear the poppy out of respect for my grandparents. I understand it's wider connotation but do it out of respect to those that saved us from fascism. You love your flag if you want to, I just don't think of life in that way, I don't see what's wrong with that. I think it's just small minded, no matter what country it is. I remember traveling round the southern US states in the early 90s seeing the American flag on the pole on the lawn everywhere and thinking, that's weird, now we see it everywhere here chavving up neighbourhoods. Awful. As for corbyn being champagne socialist, you're not having that one. Bliar yes, Prescott yes. Corbyn, love him out loathe him, he's a true socialist and I'm very proud of him for that.
No mate, Corbyn ain't a true Socialist. Stalin was, Mao Zedong, was.
I wear the poppy out of respect for my grandparents. I understand it's wider connotation but do it out of respect to those that saved us from fascism. You love your flag if you want to, I just don't think of life in that way, I don't see what's wrong with that. I think it's just small minded, no matter what country it is. I remember traveling round the southern US states in the early 90s seeing the American flag on the pole on the lawn everywhere and thinking, that's weird, now we see it everywhere here chavving up neighbourhoods. Awful. As for corbyn being champagne socialist, you're not having that one. Bliar yes, Prescott yes. Corbyn, love him out loathe him, he's a true socialist and I'm very proud of him for that.

Also very wealthy so that amounts to a champagne socialist, how can he feel the poors pain if he is in a rich bubble in a nice home having warmth and food? See he accepted more money to be leader of the Labour Party as well when he could of declined it, the rich get rich poor get poorer regardless of which party they represent
Corbyn is no different to these celebrities who spout dogshit about immigrants living in the now defunct jungle.

They would spout a whole different tune if they were camped in their own gardens. Corbyn is no different.
Corbyn seems a decent sort to me. Irrespective of your opinion on his views he's honest about them and you can take a view, debate, argue or agree. The rest of the Labour party on the other hand. Well most of them seem to be the usual flavour of self serving w4nkers with an over inflated opinion of their own self importance.
I'm s
Corbyn seems a decent sort to me. Irrespective of your opinion on his views he's honest about them and you can take a view, debate, argue or agree. The rest of the Labour party on the other hand. Well most of them seem to be the usual flavour of self serving w4nkers with an over inflated opinion of their own self importance.
I'm sorry, Corbyn seems to make the right noises and come across as a man of the people. But look at Brexit...? Nowhere to be seen. He is a bottler.
Corbyn seems a decent sort to me. Irrespective of your opinion on his views he's honest about them and you can take a view, debate, argue or agree. The rest of the Labour party on the other hand. Well most of them seem to be the usual flavour of self serving w4nkers with an over inflated opinion of their own self importance.
Corbyn is probably the only left wing one left in the labour party....i dont like him but respect he sticks to his principles
He will change sweet f**k all, the rich will keep on getting richer and the poor will keep getting poorer, there is half a chance however he may with the senates help take advances in race, equality and sexual orientation laws back a good few decades but hey, at least they'll just be speaking their minds.

What is it they say over there "In a totally fictional supernatural character we trust "