thank f@ck for that

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just finished tackin timber framed bungalow were doin, startin skimmin 2moz , im not moanin but i F*****g hate tackin. 4 meter high vaulted ceilings , and 15mm 8x4 boards, F*****g arms are like popeye s
i bet you cant wait they hurt twice as much when you skim em aswell ;D.........fair play ......i see lads putting firecheck boards up by themselves fook that .......9.5mm baby boards are the way forward :)
did a barn 2 years back with 15mm fireboard...turned up...fecking staircase wasnt in...passed up 50 odd sheet up a lader to my mate 15 feet up.......i was shagged before i lifted a trowel...what a lovely job that one was.... ::)
better than following a joiner who thinks he can bored. and end up having to sink every other screw and sure form all the externall edges
so rarther do me own bordin any day
I got fed up with following boarders who thought they could board, so do all my own now whenever possible.
we had to come behind some ruff coonts for 18000 metres sum it up me mate was doing a bit of dabbing at the end of the job and one of the so say dryliners asked do you get the boards to line up perfectly?........with a tape measure mate ::)......they werent interested in the tacking aparently cause all the money was in the metal ....cheers wankers
Always used to hate tacking too but not so bad now I got meself a board lifter !
Found em on ebay,paid £95 for mine-just wish I'd had one years ago.
Works best on level floor surfaces and will even hold the board up tight against a slope.
All you gotta do is cut the board,place it on the lifter,turn the wheel to jack the board up and screw/nail it !
The main advantage is you can tack all day long on yer own without bustin yer guts as it takes any thickness boards up to 12'x4'. I would recommend it to any of you that have got large ceilings to tack or have got a good run of sitework (has anybody at mo?).
yeh same here mate im in bristol and site works died a death .....
Sorry there are no makers names anywhere on the lift but just had a peek on ebay and there appears to be some which are identical to mine and still around £100.
The instructions which came with mine appear to be a poor effort at translation so its prob chinese in origin but dont let that put you off its all pretty simple and is very well made .
overboarded a 20sqm ceiling and skimmed it on me tod today .........rubbish arent i ;D
Just had a look at TonyM's link that shows his board lifter,looks very similar to mine. Only difference seems to be in the way the way that the hoist is raised. Looks like you have to pump a lever on his whereas mine is raised by turning a wheel. I've been using mine for about a year now and it's the best tool i've bought since me first whisk! Anything to make the game easier! ;)
limey said:
Just had a look at TonyM's link that shows his board lifter,looks very similar to mine. Only difference seems to be in the way the way that the hoist is raised. Looks like you have to pump a lever on his whereas mine is raised by turning a wheel. I've been using mine for about a year now and it's the best tool i've bought since me first whisk! Anything to make the game easier! ;)

No pump. Just a cranking handle on the side.
how dose the board stay on the lifter? if its cables would it be hard to take the last cabe off the last board as there is no gap to unhook them against the wall?
Board just lays flat on top of lifter so nothing can get in the way when you raise it to the joists. It really is a piece of p--s!
Once you've seen how easy they are to use, you'll want one,especially if you work solo or your labourer just gets in the way when its time to do the tackin! Some of the gits iv'e worked with can't cut the sheets or even hold em steady while you try and get the first screws in! ::)
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