Tennis (plasterers) Elbow.

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As far as i know mate theres no cure. Basically the pain yer gettin is from the two bones upper and lower at the joint rubbin together. This is normally protected like a buffer by cartilage and now its been worn down resulting in pain.
Plenty of stuff like cod liver oil and exercise will/may help but once cartilage has gone thats it mate, it doesn't regrow.
Does yer elbow make a clicking sound?
glucosomin (i thinck thats how its spelt), i used to play tennis for the county and suffered with it and then again with plastering and got told about this stuff so i tried it and its brilliant ihavent had any pain since
there is a clicking sound when i rotate my wrist philplaster. it hurts when i straighten my arm more than when i bend it!

Cheers Naz, i'll look into that.
The clicking is cartilage rubbin together. I get it in my knees and right elbow but no pain yet. If it hurts when you straighten yer arm and not when you bend it then that sounds like a ligament. The other guys sound like they know more about treatment than me i just know about diagnosis! Go and see a doctor about it mate, the earlier the better.
My surgery opening times are from 10 till 2 monday to thursday. Friday you can reach me at the Gynonecology centre ;D ;D ;D ;D
They will only normally give you two injections for the same joint if the pain don't go away then its carpel tunnel surgery , where the ligament in your arm run over the joints in your elbow and wrist they are protected by the carpel tunnel (its like a tube ? the ligament runs through it to protect it from the bone ,the ligament swells up and rubs against the wall of the tunnel causing the pain called tennis elbow, they have cut a slit in the protective tube which allows it to open up and lets the ligament run smooth again ,6/8 weeks off work about £300 if you go private
inflammation of elbow tendons,caused by over use\excercise, lack of rest.. suffered with it for years in wrist and elbow. any anti inflammatory medicine like voltoral\ diclofenic.. bananas, ginger(good for making horses fart) also help but only real time cure is rest, difficult i know. but that was the advise given to me and like any other i didn't take it, resulting in 12 weeks at home, £450.00 spent on acupuncture (waste of time) effing murder. so rest and more rest,
church said:
They will only normally give you two injections for the same joint if the pain don't go away then its carpel tunnel surgery , where the ligament in your arm run over the joints in your elbow and wrist they are protected by the carpel tunnel (its like a tube ? the ligament runs through it to protect it from the bone ,the ligament swells up and rubs against the wall of the tunnel causing the pain called tennis elbow, they have cut a slit in the protective tube which allows it to open up and lets the ligament run smooth again ,6/8 weeks off work about £300 if you go private
I concur Dr Church!
my mate has no cartilage in his knee they are gonna put some fluid back in using keyhole then replace when this wears out
type ct cream in google search engine,have a look at the testimonials on it,i've heard about it,anybody on here tried it?
PhilPlaster said:
church said:
They will only normally give you two injections for the same joint if the pain don't go away then its carpel tunnel surgery , where the ligament in your arm run over the joints in your elbow and wrist they are protected by the carpel tunnel (its like a tube ? the ligament runs through it to protect it from the bone ,the ligament swells up and rubs against the wall of the tunnel causing the pain called tennis elbow, they have cut a slit in the protective tube which allows it to open up and lets the ligament run smooth again ,6/8 weeks off work about £300 if you go private
I concur Dr Church!

LOL a consultant charged me £80 for that info all 15 minutes worth ,there it is on the net for free
I usually get accupunture for this,If you get cortizone injection's they inject right into the bone and will need to be done about every five years
grand wizard said:
you could put some of that dodo (German word) on it weirdo

my vans more shinny than yours, but as its you, i will sort it out for one and a half hundred and give you a free spurs air freshener
i went to a complemetary therapist who specialises in sports injuries and had 4 sessions of deep massage and ultra sound, cost me 35 quid a session and 4 months later and i am still going ok. it worked for me. take a look at
Hey Big Ali where you been hiding??
It is you isn't it the same big Ali from ebuild few years ago?
Hi guys new to the forum, was just looking up a remedy for the good old tennis elbow, which has returned after 20yrs. first got it using k-rend 20 years ago, been doing alot of roughcasting lately,caused by the sand cement being dead on the hawk. Just i read a bit abut what people have tried. The last time i had it i got the injection, worked but it just masks the problem, but i used a elbow brace along side it, so i was lucky then, one bloody sore thing,, anyway Link Removed This is the strap you want, all the rest i have tried before are crap.
This strap on (thats what the wife calls it) limits the movement of your wrist. hope it helps anyone.
Mine has not flared up for a while now (touch wood) but I used ibuprofen gel for the pain helped. That and Stella Artois[emoji481][emoji481][emoji481]
Hi guys new to the forum, was just looking up a remedy for the good old tennis elbow, which has returned after 20yrs. first got it using k-rend 20 years ago, been doing alot of roughcasting lately,caused by the sand cement being dead on the hawk. Just i read a bit abut what people have tried. The last time i had it i got the injection, worked but it just masks the problem, but i used a elbow brace along side it, so i was lucky then, one bloody sore thing,, anyway Link Removed This is the strap you want, all the rest i have tried before are crap.
This strap on (thats what the wife calls it) limits the movement of your wrist. hope it helps anyone.
dont you mean the hawk was dead on the cement poor thing did bury it
lol lazer whats k-rends excuse. i used to say keep it in Ireland.
I am using dicklofenic stuff the now deri, just need it to hold out for 4 weeks , away on holiday. i will not be as greedy with the drink as i am with trowel full off stuff, maybe give it a break ,lol.
lmao at trust me am a plasterer, am deffo wi you on that yin m8
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