Survey reveals business opportunity arising from damp

The findings of a new YouGov survey – commissioned by damp-proofing experts Safeguard Europe – into the UK’s experience of damp problems reveals an ongoing massive market opportunity for builders merchants and RMI contractors. The survey discovered that not only have around half the UK’s homeowners encountered problems with damp, but also that the issue is even more common in the rented sector – both private and public. With over 20 million households in the UK, the inference is that hundreds of thousands of properties are in need of remedial treatments.

Survey reveals business opportunity arising from damp
I had a so-called damp expert look at a job for me. He recommended a dpc injection on a property with stone walls and earth/lime joints probably about 2ft thick with rubble infill.
Could not see it working myself even though I have done a lot of replastering on properties of the like after a dpc injection.