Stucanet on Timber Frame


New Member
Hi All,

We are building a timber Frame house and the Frame Maker recommends Sand and Cement on Stucanet.
I know, I know there are those that think this is DAFT, and I should be having a silicon jobbie...But it appears that
Silicone Self-Colour render will be TWICE the price of the above method ...unless I am wrong (its 70m2)

So going back to the Stucanet ...I have a cavity that is 50mm out from the timber frame ...and then essentially the brick. It is brick downstairs and render up top ...

So essentially the brick being 100mm thick means the lower face of the house will be 150mm from the TF

If i use Stucanet there no other "backing" ?

I am not sure the thickness of the render on top of the stucanet, but if this is fixed to the 50mm standoff battens on the TF, I cant see it being anywhere CLOSE to brick below in terms of thickness

the architects drawing does show the render area set back a LITTLE as there is a tile crease seperating them from the render ...but it LOOK like a few inches ....or am i wrong

here is a near identical house built several years ago

any advice?


  • Stucanet on Timber Frame
    54.1 KB · Views: 342
Stucanet is a stainless steel rib lath which is expensive to start with, I think over £20 plus vat per m2 so cheaper than a cement carrier board.. I'm not sure, then you've got to build it out with sand and cement it's a ballache.
I can't see it being twice the Cost and 70m2 is a small job.
A cross section of the wall profile may help on here.
I'm still not convinced it's twice as cheap to go sand and cement and risk the cracking etc of sand cement, you could either have a scratch render of something like Parex ehi, or as you say a bucket silicone render.
I have done plenty in sand cement over the years, but the games moved on and I'd advise a carrier board such as an aqua panel or a siniat board.
Get a professional renderer to look at it to give you options either way, you pays your money yous take your choice.
Well unless i have been quoted by 2 "Dick Turpins" on Polymer in the last month certainly is dearer in Milton Keynes !

The S+C and Stucanet stands to cost me about 3k + the cost of the Stucanet 80 (Galvanised) which is about 2k
This is with the guys fixing the battens (Already on Site) and the Stucanet and then Finishing it with S+C
So about 5k total for 69m2..Done

Polymer render quotes have never been cheaper than TWICE that price ...and one was almost TREBLE.
When I asked about the price they all said the same things (could be true) "Render carrier board ....not cheap"..."Polymer tubs very expensive and only cover a few metres for like £30" "over half our quote is materials" ...etc etc
The streets are paved with GOLD around here for trades ...There is that much building, there is not enough warm bodies to fill the vacancies

...People are travelling and getting Accommodation fees to work, getting extra bonuses just for putting in a FULL week and if you don't like the craic can jack your job in and start another by the end of the week...

I mean, I am not making this up ....I get told this by trades all the time !

Its like the 1980's have been reborn !!


  • Stucanet on Timber Frame
    48.2 KB · Views: 306
Well unless i have been quoted by 2 "Dick Turpins" on Polymer in the last month certainly is dearer in Milton Keynes !

The S+C and Stucanet stands to cost me about 3k + the cost of the Stucanet 80 (Galvanised) which is about 2k
This is with the guys fixing the battens (Already on Site) and the Stucanet and then Finishing it with S+C
So about 5k total for 69m2..Done

Polymer render quotes have never been cheaper than TWICE that price ...and one was almost TREBLE.
When I asked about the price they all said the same things (could be true) "Render carrier board ....not cheap"..."Polymer tubs very expensive and only cover a few metres for like £30" "over half our quote is materials" ...etc etc
What about the cost of painting the s/c and the issue of using a old method on your new house ? In six months when’s it’s all failing will you look at it and say at least we saved a grand and I can paint it again soon ?
Well it is kind of decided for me...

I spoke to the company that erected my frame and they have told me the "feature board"
the bits that go up like amock tudor style are made to take the Stucanet 80 board as that is what
Potton recommend and the spacings of Studs / battens are also set for these boards ..particularly
they way they work around window openings and corners ...God knows

but it seems for peace of mind I will go with the flow and have a 3 coat S+C render on Stucanet ...
But of course they will fit it too ..if i supply the materials ...

So bearing in mind I can claim the VAT back ...(as a self builder) ..Where can i get my hands on enough Stucanet 80 Galvanised and Fixings for A Timber Frame etc etc at a good price ?

need about 75 sqm to be safe