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Thinking of purchasing a pair. Any real diference between a pair that cost over £200 and a pair that costs under £100. Any recomendations
i've had 2 pairs of dura-stilts (24-40) over the last 15 years or so(the current pair for about 12 years) and had to replace the soles and the straps on the first set cos i brought them used.
i really need to replace the soles on this set but apart from that they've been bulletproof and i've used them loads.
i also have a small pair (13-24) i got cheap from ebay for about £50 4 years ago,they don't seem as comfortable (though that maybe cos i've not adusted them to suit me),the aluminium doesn't seem as high a grade and the calf straps are made of nylon or something that make them slip easily,for how often i use this pair though i can suffer that.
been tempted by the skywalker 2.0,mainly cos they a have quick adjustment system,which could be handy, i think i've seen someone say on here that they are heavier (if your on them all day,that'll make a difference) ,i'm not sure by how much.
i reckon that a cheap pair is ok if you are experienced enough to deal with any issues they may have but to start off go for a quality pair.
Plastering ceilings off stilts puts loads of pressure on your lower back which will not be good later on in life .
hey I've heard plastering ceilings full stop puts lots of pressure on your heart.

If you think about it the bloods gotta be pumped up your arm all day :(
Let me tell you there is absolutely no difference I bought mine off of eBay for about 70 pounds about six years ago used at least three times a week and still as good as new (apart from being caked in plaster) and as for putting extra pressure on your lower back it is the same motion on stilts than it would be if your stood on the floor.
gps said:
Let me tell you there is absolutely no difference I bought mine off of eBay for about 70 pounds about six years ago used at least three times a week and still as good as new (apart from being caked in plaster) and as for putting extra pressure on your lower back it is the same motion on stilts than it would be if your stood on the floor.
exactly i cant see what diff it makes if your on stilts or stood up off a hop up ive used stilts for ages an i feel fine
I gotta a cheap pair of Ebay for £50 new 15 -30 inch.The straps do dig in legs a bit,but they do the job fine.I wouldnt wanna be in them for more than 2-3 hrs.
I like the look of the mt2's but there pricey and ill get the same result of my cheepies so see no reason to get rid at this moment in time.
what size would you guys say are the most useful? thinking of buying a pair and there are 15-23, 18-30 or 24-40?
Depands how tall you are really.if your 5'1 then 24-40 if ur 6'2 the 15-23.
Also depends what height most ur works at?
2.4 standard site work or 3m ceilings in victorian houses.
i got these
i'm 6ft and work varies from 2.4 to 3m but 2.4 is alright with a crate really. so should prob go for the 24-40's? gona be f**k**g scary when i first get on them ah?
pezzab said:
i'm 6ft and work varies from 2.4 to 3m but 2.4 is alright with a crate really. so should prob go for the 24-40's? gona be (french word)ing scary when i first get on them ah?
thats what mine are and there right up the top lol :P
skimmin2day said:
I gotta a cheap pair of Ebay for £50 new 15 -30 inch.The straps do dig in legs a bit,but they do the job fine.I wouldnt wanna be in them for more than 2-3 hrs.
I like the look of the mt2's but there pricey and ill get the same result of my cheepies so see no reason to get rid at this moment in time.
wrap a pair of socks under the straps when you do them up ,not nice running about up there with buckles dug into yer especially when its hot!!!
I've just got some of them cheap spongey knee pads with Velcro elastic straps
& put them on inside leg instead of knee comfy as fcuk on stilts, strap goes round knee pads 8)

By the way FBS & JJ are well known in their area for being messy workers ;D
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