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Right so lately I seem to be getting more and more jobs which involve ceilings I cant physically reach using just my pegs

So I figure its time to join the circus and invest in some stilts, so what do you guys recomend?
i got my "supa stilts" from ebay about 75 pounds and never looked back, they take a day or two to get used to just walk around in the back garden for a while, the results are worth it you can put a ceiling on in no time and the finish is much better then working off a hop up or grate.
exactly those ones, i got 18-30 with the 24 you can be to high for most ceilings, these stilts have never let me down, good luck on them you will not regret it.
just a does everyone get on without a labourer on stilts?
reason i ask is i borrowed a set once to do a big victorian ceiling..on my own...
i take out the bucket so, rooms clear, had to plonk the bucket on the hop up...then get on the mean there a knack to gettin on em?? i had to sort of sit on the edge of the hop up and cantilever myself up...wobbled about layin on first coat...
then i gotta get off em again, wash out bucket...get back on em again to flatten off, get off em again to mix up, get on em to lay on, off to wash bucket, on to flatten and trowel up...
bloody nightmare...
ive stuck with the good old hop up since then, or steps....
easy bigsegs with taller stand and spot board u clean bucket b4 you start putting on, stilts are easy to get on and off with practice saves time and a much better finish.
got my stilts out today after reading this thread last night, wobbled about a bit for 10 mins then got back into the swing of it! After putting 1st coat on I just had to scrub a bit harder to clean bucket! so only off and on stilts twice Bigsegs! definatl a nicer and more uniform finish than with a hop up.
yes they are adjustable, and those skywalkers do look good, but none the less do the same job.
just watched it i like the look of the height adjustment, how much are they in this country, if you have a spare few quid go for those if not cheap is always cheerful
Best ive found so far is £200 to the the door - think ill need to wait till my birthday and hope the Mrs comes through ;)
cscs is easy to get the questions in the test are a joke a four year old would pass, u dont need a nvq2 to get on site, most firms i know would prefer a time served spread
I thought that in order to get a CSCS card you needed to be a qualified trades person otherwise you only get one of them Mickey mouse cards? I haven't really looked into it all yet so im not really sure as to all the ins and outs!?
i have a cscs card as far as i know they are done in categories, depending on what you do such as trades and labour, site foreman , and so on, you just phone the cscs book a test at a local dvla test centre job done. its about 27 pound for test and a further 20 for the card.
In that case ill get on it - domestic work is ok but can be a little hit and miss at times, its time to broaden my horizons a little

How do you get on with site work?
site work is easier but i tend to stay away from it as as poss i cant stand wearing hats boots and hi vis vests, your right domestic work is very hit and miss but the money is not as good on site i can earn more in three days on domestics than u can all week on site, but with site u will get loads more work so i guess it works itself out.
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