Stilts and laminate flooring?

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Stilts and laminate flooring..what can i do in future to protect the floor, i dint use dust sheets as i fort i would slip everywere! but i made a rite mess of some1s floor and it took some cleanin and they were not happy!
I use a tarp where I working, never had any problems slipping. I also put down stair sheets anywhere I have to walk.
and wear one of those giant clown type baggy bib things to catch all the slops!
actually i hate lami floors.. always gotta tarp em out..
but one of the reasons i dont use stilts is cos of the safety aspect on domestic..
i mix up in the room im working in usually and it'd be way to easy to get the cable round the stilts..
or the bucket..
or the edge of a folded tarp..
or their cat...
I never see the point of stilts, i have never used them and never will they are just a complete pain in the aris IMO

Stilts are great! They save loads of time with hop ups and stuff. I've only had mine about 3 yrs or so, and wish i'd bought some back in the 80's
Because i see people using stilts and doing a ceiling when im using hop ups and doing a ceiling and a few walls, and wondering about beading etc where as they just wade about in the same room.

I just think they are crap unless you have a really high ceiling, so probably in all my years i could have made good use of them once .... other then that ill do everything faster without.

I also think they are dangerous, saw a lad take a right spill once cause he slipped on some s**t on the floor.

dont rate them one bit

use my stilts on all but the smallest ceilings, to be able to run down the length of the room is invaluable imo
Yeah but whilst you have done that one ceiling, Ive skimmed another 2 walls and preped up the next set ..... honestly i just dont get it

yea but when i put the celing on i get off um and do all that its quick to get on and off..keeps ya fit!
with ric on this one takes us about 5 mins put tarp down trestles and bats ,fookin accident waiting to happen,know a lad that had about 4weeks off work due to a stilt accident ,dont say i didnt tell im,
I'm with you rich, been plastering for a while and have not seen the point to stilts, bloody death trap. Hop ups are the way they keep me fit.
ive used stilts for aboput 6 years and can honestly say ive fell once but had a few near misses but have got down off a hop up and stood on something and tristed my ankle tooooooooo many times so i would say they are safer.
I have said this time and again every time it comes up, those who say stilts are no good simply are the ones who cant use them but if you have never tried them you cant really have an opinion on them.
stilts are the way forward just dont try a job on them untill you mastered for covering floors get old carpet is perfect costs nowt flat and you can drop what you like
i borrowed a mates pair just the once for a 2.8 ceiling...
great for the height, better than steps...
it was just the getting up and down thing for one poxy ceiling that did my head in.. i found i was sittin on the hop up (which wasnt really tall enuff to stand up off) and cos i mix twice per set it was a right pain...
walkin wasnt too bad, if youve got half a sense of balance your alright but i really wouldnt wanna come down without meaning to.. nearly caught the lead a couple of times cos im always looking up..
i reckon if they made em more get off and onnable bit like them ski boots with the quick release thing they'd be safer and easier..
gps said:
how can it be an honest opinion if you have never tried them ????

He didn't say honest!
He said IMO "in my opinion" and if he'd put IMHO that's "in my humble opinion"

That said if you ain't tried em how can you know?

I hate doing ceilings without mine.
and I've tried both ways
Laminate and stilts :o dident bother with sheets :o

I will stick to me hop ups never had a problem. did once work with a guy who used them 'can you pass me this can you pass me that'

For me Iam out
I have such a good quick system for ceilings i really dont need to bother trying, plus im a right lump and would probably break my neck

I think the ski boot idea is a good one ! Patent it quick.

Im not over impressed wit stilts either,i gotta a set and use them occasionally but feel safer on planks,was taught to plaster on planks will die on planks,althoug i still use them on high ceilings as i aint got that many trestle tables i also use them when i cant get planks round tight starcases and limited access areas etc etc...
i think you need to buy two sets for stairs.. one short pair and one long pair, then you got a left and a right hand pair for stair walls.. ;D
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