still no luck

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New Member
been ringing round my local area for labourers work but no 1 is intrested got a few jobs locally from friends n family but theres never nowt in the jobcentre and no1 is intrested people keep sayin that every1s crying out for plasterers but thats not wat ive found has any1 got any ideas cos av ran out ::)
Dont give up, I was like that when I was starting out just have to be patient, for practice I used to tack plasterboard to my garage wall and skim it then glue and skim then rip it down and do it again... it works well.

Keep with it.

As far as people saying "that every1s crying out for plasterers" I think that is just generally a response people give to spreads as they dont know what else to say... the other one is "I have got some plastering needs doing" never materialises.


just skimmed a bedroom in my house am that bored got a job on the 4th next month but a just want sumthing a bit more consistant av even thought about going into a factory till sumthing comes up :omust b mad

go out stick ads out get t shirts done business cards van sign written.... it will come in. I get a lot of work from drinking in my local... people dont realsie your a plasterer until you start com ing in the pub

thats wat a intend to do mate but havent got driving licence at min just another job on my list of things to do wudnt drive without 1(thought about it)but ad prob end up worse than a am at the moment but wen av got round to it am gona do it on me own :)
like danny says mate keep faith. i am out of work at min, got told i had 7 yrs with a company and got laid off for no apparent reason after 9 months.
plastering was sound for them too.
i am disqualified from driving until august an its killin me mate get loadsa offers for work 3-4 sub-cont jobs a week but simple fact is i cant get there and they dont want to pay for my labourer who drives. so my advice would be get your licence, put yourself out ther ie: boozer or anywhere you go.
thing is with plastering an anybody will tell you this on here 1 minute you could be packed out with work the next you got nothin.
1 of me mates fathas has dun plastering for 30 years he wants to come n have a look at me work n if he thinks its any gud he says he'll give is work so al just wait n see wat happens :)
Ah you see, even if he just has you as a labourer that will be worth its weight.... I wouldnt mind working full time with another spread learn a lot that way.

I have a busy week next week, another job phoned in so I now working sat and sunday... yay!
but you have to take it while its there ready for when its not!

sayin that tho peg were theres money to be made ;Dto be honest a wudnt be botherd about working every weekend not sundays tho thats against my religion ;Da wish a had that much work on :P
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