Starting time

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Bloody customers lol get here at 7.45 to board and skim kitchen dinner to be told electrician hasn't done his wiring yet won't be here till 8 only take couple of hours hate starting late what time you guys like to start
Like to start at 8 or before, start to lose motivation if I'm standing around waiting for sparkys to do wiring or similar
Empty properties i like to start around 7am especially in the summer months. Occupied properties more like 8am because customers dont like you turning up too early etc. Always prefer to start early then leave early so you get to spendtime with your family or do your hobbies or pub?? :sisi:
Won't be finishing until late now the joys
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we have the same problem today sparks running 2 days behind.
i pick my son up at 7, load up materials ,start work at 8 finish 2.30.
Had an induction this morning about 8.30.
Then sat around in somewhere called the relaxation room?? For an hour sorting out Rams then started some proper plastering s&c panels on rib lath. Its a little bit like skimming(only apparently harder) and heavier and not indoors :-( .
Used to work 7.30 to 5.30 for years six days a week,with 2 nights on the doors 9 to 5 am for relaxation, couldn't do it now,normally 7.30 to 4 now
Summer hours now so long days, yard for 6.45 to open up, load up etc, job depending where we are 7.45 ish get back to yard 6 ish home about 6.30 5 days a week Saturday a bit less.
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