Starting out advice..

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New Member
Hi folks,

new to the board! :)

Similar post really, i'm a 26 year old looking to get into the plastering industry. Currently working for the Police in an Administrative role but want to learn the trade and move on from there...

Currently living in the South East (Oxford to be exact) and Apprenticeships are quite thin on the ground, also most companies only offer Apprenticeship to those up to the age of 25!

I'd be grateful of any advice that people can give me??

Many Thanks

hello mate new to the bored myself.

been plastering 5 years myself now but i was lucky my father taught me and at the time there was no plastering corses at collage in swindon.

but i here that there is now a corse in swindon? thats down the road from you, so have you thought about going to one? i think you can do a week corse, that would get you to learn the basics and maybe more of a chance to get a job with a company to learn more?

Welcome to the forum,

I will be doing a whole section on FAQ's about starting out and training sooon so watch this space..

If I get a couple of hours to my self... pretty busy at the minute

i would personaly recomend doing a week course first then if you take to it and enjoy it then take it further and get a city & Guilds and NVQ qualifacation this will make you more attractable to an employer ;)
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