Starting 3 Year college - advice

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getting ready to start a three year plastering & rendering course full time at college in a couple weeks.

has anyone here gone down this route over the past few years with some tips before I begin?

especially in regards to getting on board with somebody alongside college to attain my NVQ 2 & 3 in respective years?

Talk to your tutors. Put yourself about with local plastering companies. the more you learn before you hit the street the more employable you will be. Email me on [email protected] and I will help you more
Lee, work hard and practice as much as you can, you will get out of the course what you put into it. I was a lecturer until July when I was made redundant so if you need help at all you can send me a direct message and I will help you all I can.
cheers both.

The Apprentice, Thanks very much will likely need help along the way
do you know what's covered year 1 generally?
Stick with it buddy :)

The forum is always here if you need help and encouragement :) It is a very satisfying trade at times :)

Good Luck :)

Good luck with it buddy!

nice to see someone doing it the proper way, not just a 2 week course wonder...

a few teachers on here that I'm sure will give you an insure to what is involved..

strive to be the best within the class as if contractors come looking for apprentices then it the best ones that get the chance..
Good luck with it buddy!

nice to see someone doing it the proper way, not just a 2 week course wonder...

a few teachers on here that I'm sure will give you an insure to what is involved..

strive to be the best within the class as if contractors come looking for apprentices then it the best ones that get the chance..

Tip top advice :)
I very much appreciate the support!

Regarding a course, I did actually consider it!
and then sat back one night and thought at the end of the day, the guys ill be working alongside will likely have the same view of courses as the majority on here do:
waste of time and money.

Besides which I know which one an employer would prefer between a full time college
to a 5 day courser

as much as I want it all now I'll just knuckle down 'till I'm in!

Looking forward to hearing from some teachers!
The 1St year will be spent mostly using sand and lime so you can learn how to apply the material and how to use a feather edge. Then you will move onto hardwall and finishing plaster. You will also have to plasterboard and skim a wall and lastly cast a ceiling rose. The theory is a lot of H& S with other bits on construction in general, you will also do some plastering theory. If you conspiracy which awarding body the qualification is I might be able to get some stuff which might help you
If you conspiracy which awarding body the qualification is I might be able to get some stuff which might help you

could you explain that bit mate? bit confused.

thanks a lot for all regarding the outline of the 1st year.

I am hugely nervous but anxious to start
( I started carpentry straight after school so am versed with the striped paint and a long weights :p but dropped out to be a "lad" like a fool )
could you explain that bit mate? bit confused.

thanks a lot for all regarding the outline of the 1st year.

I am hugely nervous but anxious to start
( I started carpentry straight after school so am versed with the striped paint and a long weights :p but dropped out to be a "lad" like a fool )
is it city and guilds or other I think he means :)
I cant find that info anywhere on the college descriptions :(

I thought that is what he meant but wanted to double check

other than the college themselves, is there a way of checking if its C&G or someone else?
Ask your tutor which awarding body they use, City & Guilds or CSkills, if its C&G I have loads of stuff I can let you have to get a good start. When are you starting at College, most have been back since early Sept.
Thanks Apprentice, Ill give a ring Today and check.

When I spoke to the college they said they may take on this month to fill spaces. so hopefully ill just be playing catch up for a while.. if not, im not sure :(

but again, Ill check the details Today and post back!
Which college are you attending they may be members of a professional organisation . There is a site you can join for £6 that will get you access to plasteringbooks and lots of college lecturers.out of respect to the owners of this site I will not name it here. If you want to know who they are email me [email protected]
good lad, your doing it right, non of that 5 day bollox... learn all you can at college, call local firms and ask them if you can work for them at weekends for free ( they will pay you something ) then after the 3 years you will be ready to go.. good luck..
Which college are you attending they may be members of a professional organisation . There is a site you can join for £6 that will get you access to plasteringbooks and lots of college lecturers.out of respect to the owners of this site I will not name it here. If you want to know who they are email me [email protected]

His and hers email eeeerrr...
this is wat a did mate and if you have the rite attitude its works work hard and show ur determination and come on here for knowledge of the trade like some one else sed employers will come to the college looking for workers and apprentices that how a got started then gave me the confidence to start my own jobs wen you get to that stage ur laughing mate caz u will learn stuff on site u will never learn at college but stick it out work hard love the trade and always look to learn more even wen your not at college good luck a hope you make it
absolutely overwhelming support!

will update as soon as I have details of the course regarding awarding body and start dates
as im still awaiting a reply.

also, its at Merthyr Tydfil college in South Wales.

Thanks again guys.

:mad: just been informed

"due to high demand, construction courses are full this year"

despite what I was told last week.

never mind eh, I replied asking when the next available course will start, even if it is next september.
Hi lee, I'm also just starting a diploma and had the same thought process as yourself as I nearly coughed up a lot of cash for one of these 4-8 week courses but decided I wanted to go to collage and long it out. I'm doing it p/t around my current job whilst offering my services to family in the game already to show me the ropes in the real world as I'm to mature?? to get an apprenticeship. Good luck and I hope it works out for you.
Ah just read your new post,gutted for you. An idea would be to try and find work as a labourer then if it does come up again you will have a better understanding of the trade.
this is wat a did mate and if you have the rite attitude its works work hard and show ur determination and come on here for knowledge of the trade like some one else sed employers will come to the college looking for workers and apprentices that how a got started then gave me the confidence to start my own jobs wen you get to that stage ur laughing mate caz u will learn stuff on site u will never learn at college but stick it out work hard love the trade and always look to learn more even wen your not at college good luck a hope you make it

JTN could you put an email address up and I'll send you some full stops and capital letters, as I nearly suffocated reading that. Lol
best of luck George :RpS_thumbup:

I know, bloomin typical though..

to be honest mate the trade around here is zero, a few cowboys and 1 or 2 big boys who have the majority of the jobs ( including when I have work going on )

bloody infuriating when the cowboys turned around and said to my request to see some pics of previous and if I could have references before I give them £600?

"no sorry cant do that , client confidentiality"

no problem, I cant see a van around did the horse drop dead? see you later.
when I would give my soul right now to be in the trade!

so went to the decent blokes with websites plenty of pics who gave a full written quote and happy to supply refs.
sadly due to there only being a few, every single one has said no to labouring

how you finding yourself in regards to "picking it up?"

hoping ill be able to get in next year
hi lee not to far from you lee in abergavenny, my 2 sons both went to merthyr tec, for plastering and i have an apprentice at the moment have you got transport? some good spreads in abergavenny could ring around for you if you want, or get the blue book ( our yellow pages here!!) and ring up the plasterers , regards stuy
nice to know merthyr are good then!

no transport of my own at the moment, learning ( I have the mrs as a driver - feel a right sap at the moment lol )

which kind of limits me getting on board with someone unless they're
a) Local-ish
b) are able to pick up/off

, though at the moment mate id gladly be on a 6am train if it meant a foot in the door

Have very fond memories of aber as a child, spent a huge amount of weekends there
hi lee , i am shore something will turn up mate you seem to have the right frame of mind regarding finding work, which is quite refreshing nowadays!! plastering has been good to me for 30 yrs, sent all over the contitnent working with different people different materials and made good money along the way so bear with it mate and i am something will come your way. stuy
STick with it :) Something will turn up :)

I would concentrate on getting your wheels as that will be something that holds you back when you do get a start.

I had issues when I wanted an apprenticeship as I was a little old and what not but where there is a will there is a way :)

Just keep going and when you do get a start do everything in your power to make it work :)
No mate. bloody college decided not to run the course :RpS_cursing:

back to square one on that front. typical as that was the only college within around 50 mile radius even offering plastering at all!

ill probably hound the local plasterers again as that truly is the only way into the trade now.
No mate. bloody college decided not to run the course :RpS_cursing:

back to square one on that front. typical as that was the only college within around 50 mile radius even offering plastering at all!

ill probably hound the local plasterers again as that truly is the only way into the trade now.

Not good mate, chin up and all that, google your local plasterers and ring them all up you never know.. Everyone's busy ATM so now would be the time people would be looking for a hand.

good luck ladlad
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