stair winder

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today Ive been doing a stair wind and to be honest i hate doing them.all the different size trowels were out,brushes and looked well once there any different ways any of you lads do them.does anyone use those spatula things or any other type tools on them.just curious
ive been doing one today also i just bend the bonding round with a sponge and the finish i use a tilers grout pad its quite flexible its whatever works best for you im affraid they are really awkward some just use the toe of the trowel an a lot of patience
i do the same, cement in the bonding mainly in the first coat and a soft tilers squeege on the tight curves. i use another tool i think its called a corner pro.
terry said:
today Ive been doing a stair wind and to be honest i hate doing them.all the different size trowels were out,brushes and looked well once there any different ways any of you lads do them.does anyone use those spatula things or any other type tools on them.just curious
Flexi bit of plastic ( a cut lid then sanded so it had flat edge on it works well) if its a inverted winder...use universal one coat....lay on with trowel 1st coat and second then use the flexi plastic as a flexi trowel.....sponge ...then the flexi plastic again......comes out perfect.....i do quite a few each year....alot of small victorian terrace in me area
Pug use the cement to set the bonding fast this gives you a solid background then use another heavey coat of bonding with cement to fill out all awkward areas so that your trowl fits flat ,possibly one more coat of bonding then skim depending how good you are ,without cement you cant get a decent shape in the time you have and you end up with bumps and hollows that you try to flatten with a brush,sponge or piece of plastic
i dont mind em...something different......
spongebob...ive put a handful of dust in bonding for patching for a good while but dunno if i would do it for a winder......was told a while back there can be a chemical reaction between cement and bonding....always put me off laying anything of size on with this method...thought about a good few jobs.
I've been doing them for years, after coating with a trowel as best you can, I usualy put a sponge in a plastic bag. for finishing
bodplasterer said:
Now thats evolution ;D have you ever seen the bloke form uk screeding? the main I****n dude he got 2 thumbs.
no mate has he got 6 digits or 3 fingers and 2 thumbs?
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