Stabilising Solutions

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How Do Fella's
When using a stabilising solution is it just a case of painting it on with a brush, letting it dry then giving it a coat of Bonding agent Before skimming.

Thanks in advance, Neil.
cover the floor well it drips a bit ;) long time know hear Neil have you made me my trowel yet ?
Funnily enough I ve just done another 5 trowels, I ve just finished a wedding barn and whilst I was doing that my skimming trowel fell off some scaffold and dinked the corner, I've managed to salvage it now but it set me off doing some more then I've got 1 for back up, I've been using it for 3 years now and it trowels up a dream. I ve done some at 12"x4 5/8" and some at 12"x4" I like the feel of the 4" ones they just need some work to break them in, Would you like one to try H . . . . . . . ???
Which one would you prefer a 4" or the 4 5/8" you might just have to bear with me for a week or so to get it sorted mate. They are both 12" long Carbon.
4 5/8 sound good , no worries take as long as it takes ,let me know what i owe you by Private message if you like
These trowels are they any good for getting stuff out of a bucket, dot and dab, tiling and picking up dog sh@te?
if not then I know an option for you Church ::)
NRM2007 said:
How Do Fella's
When using a stabilising solution is it just a case of painting it on with a brush, letting it dry then giving it a coat of Bonding agent Before skimming.

Thanks in advance, Neil.

i phoned everbuild the other day for a bit of advice and they told me to apply 1 coat rather than 2 as it can over stabalize.... making the surface shiny. also use interor stabalizing solution
NRM2007 said:
Which one would you prefer a 4" or the 4 5/8" you might just have to bear with me for a week or so to get it sorted mate. They are both 12" long Carbon.

can you make a 22" / 24" trowel s/s?
Flippin 'eck, Not really, It would take alot of work for a one off, These are some trowels that I modify out of an existing one to suit what I want, i found them to be better than anything I can buy as made.
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