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getting the hang of it know lads simps said it was some of the best spraying he's seen :)..........towards the end of our session he was quite happy just to give it a light spat .........getting into it now cheers paul ;)
simps is just grooming you mate! in 2 weeks time you'll be chugging cock and biting pillow wondering why he doesn't compliment your spaying anymore...
nah weve got the show us youre cock then bit out of the way thanks to jordan ;D.........nothing wrong with the beading mate were firing them up with that dab adhes....................... proprietory base coat
we might aswell beaded as went today before we started we had to restick 3 bells then lost another 3 beads as we were spraying :'(......has anyone else had probs with parex basecoat its like dust when it sets .......it was 09/09 on the bag though ......might have something to do with it :-\
the beading was done by another gang to push the job on, weve had beads falling off just after ruling and beads falling off as were pulling the protective tape of the bead ......learnt sh1t loads about patching mono this week ;D
f**k me spunk it's only Monday and you done s**t loads of patching ..... I knew I shouldn't have left you and simps unsupervised, you need the monkey there ..... But I would like to compliment Merlin on some top quality best I've ever seen beading today .... Your an inspiration to the rendering industry ..... And simps if you change this post I'm gonna have to get grumpy
best spraying, we wont go there will we mr spunk. as for beading, you know what i do mr merlin when its not right dont you. ;D ;D ;D
i dont mind it aslong as the walls behave themselves ................started using dab adhesive outside yet rich?......another gang turned up to do some beading on our last job and the first thing he said to me was why arent you using dab adhesive ?
you deffo have a good eye for beads simps , gotta say monkeys beading was bang on today and it was very nice of him to bag my machine too ;D ;D
merlin said:
you deffo have a good eye for beads simps , gotta say monkeys beading was bang on today and it was very nice of him to bag my machine too ;D ;D

He never bags the machine unless its in hands reach. going to change from now on thiough ;D ;D
that new guns luvely as well , gonna make me self one , gotta say tho we only used 8 bags anyway,lol
I don't believe for a minute Paul gave you back a dirty trowel ....... He always makes sure he thoroughly cleans peoples tools if he uses them
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