sponge on durafinish??

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hi i am just starting on a school and there is a lot of walls that are to be done in durafinish, knowing that it is a pain in the arse to use i was just wondering on the best way ronund to get a decent finish on it.. i was thinking two coat flatten then leave it for a sponge and come bk to it for a trowel? is hopfully someone on here has more knowledge on this and can give me some advice? any tips or tricks will you have please share i will b sooooooo grateful. thanks in advance:RpS_laugh:
its not nice to use ive only used it once before and its like spreading sticky glue in a way.. i only did a few small walls before, some of these walls are 30m plus long so if any nos a good method please let me no lol... quite surprised you dnt no much about it spunky after reading a lot of posts on here seems like your the man that can lol
Everyone I know but one bloke who's rough as fook hates it apparently it takes ages to go off too and tears, I think the first thing id do is try sponging it and one coat it to help it go a bit quicker **** em
I've only used a few bags which BG kindly gave me when we did the mine tour and personally I didn't find it to bad at all, but then I did follow their advise on how to use it so how could anything go wrong:RpS_sneaky:.
Use it wetter than multi, put it on really neatly and make sure you've got all the lines out before it goes to much is my advise, oh actually that's BGs advice.
I've used it a few times the best way I've found is basically don't try and use it like Multi or Board, get it flat, as possible, on your 2nd coat and when your flattening and polishing use as little water as possible, I literally just dampen the trowel, two much water and you'll be left with a wall looking looking like the north face of the Eiger
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