sponge floats

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New Member
been on the refina website , theyve got some brilliant tools on there ... im interested in the sponge floats and there usage ... can anyone explain .. im just used to using a walloping brush when trowelling up .. is there any advantages with the sponge ...
Basically you'd get your plaster on the wall as per usual, let it firm up slightly - you need a nice clean bucket of water and a nice clean sponge float, wet up your sponge float and run it firstly along your angles then, in a figure of 8 pattern, over the entire wall ensuing that keep the float wet and relatively clean so as to not drag the plaster, then let the plaster firm up again slightly and do your finish trowel as normal - its a brilliant technique for highlighting low spots/indescrepancies etc.
Hi all first post.
whith regards to the sponge float it is a very usful get out of jail tool when the wall has firmed up to quikly or you have been busy doing another wall and wetting the wall isnt doing that much. if you run the wet sponge float over the wall it will take a layer of fat off so you can smooth out the wall to get a nice finish.
the layer of fat it takes off is also useful to lay in any areas / blemishes you may have missed when troweling up. as i say i only useit as a last resort but very handy to have.

it is also useful foe cleaning up edges too. ;)
hi rubs69 never been on ultimate handyman someone must have same user name the one i used was the first thing that came into my head and made me giggle. ;D

not sure if marshalls do a blue sponge float but im sure you can pick up a sponge float from most places. At the end of the day they all do the same job i only use my sponge as a last resort, but handy to have
ok mate cheers..
wats the main purpose of lime in a render mix?? is it just for suction or is it for workability as well??? ive never used lime except at college a long long time ago and it was just used then to re-plce cement so it could be knocked off and used again and again etc??
lime in a render mix aids suction aids workability and aids the wall to breath. it dosnt replace cement unless you are lime plastering

the line your refering to using at collage is lime plastering a different ball game thats just limeputty and sand
I think he means just using lime and sand. It's great for ruling off and setting screeds and doesn't set. That means you just scrape it off and re use it. It's just for learning. It's s*** for rubbing up tho cos it just drags all over the place.
Hello All
Just wanted to say thank you ref advice on sponge floats, tried today for first time, really good bit of kit got it from B&Q £8. Was going to use just for emergencies but decided to try it, got to stage where I polish wall used the sponge as advised ie figure of 8, clean water etc then troweled off to beautiful finish. Thanks again
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