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S a plastering

Private Member
a mate of mine wants his party wall soundproofing its thermos which has been renderd an skimmed that is staying on would soundcoat work over this first then was thinkin of dabbing a couple of 12.5mm sound block boards on top of that overlapping the joints etc or can we come up with something else thanks
Yes I done it same as in your post, only other thing I did used wicks bond it before applying sound coat.
build an mf stud wall infront of the wall. Fix this wall into the ceiling and wall and the walls at the side but not into the wall where the sound problem is as this will just cause sound transferance. Lag the stud with acoustic roll and then preferably use two skins on soundbloc boards before skimming if not just use one skin of board
build an mf stud wall infront of the wall. Fix this wall into the ceiling and wall and the walls at the side but not into the wall where the sound problem is as this will just cause sound transferance. Lag the stud with acoustic roll and then preferably use two skins on soundbloc boards before skimming if not just use one skin of board
cheers barry ive told him that but hes a stubborn twart just wants a quick solution like always
stick on EPS 50mm use Parex Maite to stick it with... then use Maite to mesh and level it... then skim as normal... you will have your soundproofing and insulation to boot... ps you may want to fix a 50mm batten at skirtingboard level to fix new skirting to...
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