soul destroying

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New Member
wot reali killls it 4 me is when u spend all day skimmin a park of some1s house as a 1 off lil job

u take ur time doin a nice finish ect

just 2 relize they are ganna paint it there self... i.e slap 2 thick coats of cra*p paint on it 1 after the other and leave a cra*py ruff finiish..killing ya work
wot kills it 4 me is when u got to skim round a boiler. i tell you what, i nearly had the feckin thing of the wall.

know what u me oasis, cob-webing effect all over
what kills it for meis when i folwing some 1 elses plaster boarding/dot dab and thy leave bits thining scimmer will sort that. aspeshialy with ravels gaps and not plum. margens not right no fixings in corners for beads..thas what happens when thy break the trade up.
i hate plastering round toilets, every time i always wish id took the bloody thing off save meself a lot of hassle
like take 2 day started plastering a celing..only for the old paint 2 start bubling and falling off! >:(
wot a cun*
what kills it for me is when i go to a job to help out and all 20 apartments already have been plastered and i get the stair case .went for the chicken and got the wings ;D but jobs a job at mn.
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