some people

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New Member
went to do a job today full skim in sittinroom wen we got there nowt had been moved >:(tele in the corner fish tank in the otha 2 settees radiators on the wall sockets in place surely sum1 with a bit common sense shud know
if i come across any thing like that or not preped rite ie. still wallpaper when there wasnt ment ta be i just charge for it around £110 a day and i tell them first that any extra time and wot the day rate of prep is..1 job i quoted was £1200 when i was done it was £2200 AND THATS NOT ME BEING A RIPPER thats cuz there was so much more to it thna a full house skim,,was only a 2 bed cottige but was paper on walls ever were when they were ment to strip and there was blown plaster every were ect
I had one today kitchen reskim,plates,knives fruit etc all sitting out no floor covered no rads off. wanted me to plaster round units akward as f##k.Totally under cut my self i will learn yet.your man looking over my shoulder the whole time i hate that  >:(.( couple of his apples got a wee coat a skim too ) what does he expect ! ;)
wat people dnt relise is wen your arsein on takin wall paper off n takin lightswitches off n radiators off n movin furnature theres half your day gone n half your money :oso wat else can you do but charge n ya cant just turn round n go cos theres too much money to lose
How much would a plumber charge to take a rad off, and a spark to take off the switches, theses people dont know what goes into half the work we do and expect us to just do it for nothing because plastering is so easy >:( bleeding morons winds me right up.
i always tell em £30 an hour for extra work when i price the job, i did have one who wanted me to plaster around picture hooks once! :P
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