sockets and switches

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Screws out ,face plate pull off the wall and remove the wallpaper thats allways lurks ;D and pop into a nappy sack with the screws and tie up ,skim wall and clean box out it needed with a small tool or pointer during final trowel , clean up and tools away replace face plate , level and test , allways carry longer screws dont leave the customer with any problems .
i used to take rite off the wall and tape up and put in wall to make is very easy to skim round and a good job. um now i like making money so i skim round lol!
I only take them completly off if i'm floating the Walls if they've been hacked off etc... i put on a block connector & tape up then put inside box, then i replace once skimmed.
If just overskimming I do same as church loosen & bag up.
steve cov said:
i'm with church on this one. oasis, you leave it on and skim around it?!
Thats rough. When the client comes to decorate and they take it off it'll take the plaster with it. Must better finish to have the cover sitting ontop of the plaster.
i did a job once and the customer said dont worry about taking them off, just go round them. i was like erm no. if someone comes round here and needs a plasterer and sees that then they arent going to ask for my number are they. i took them off and bought some screws. much better.
to be honest i normaly tell the customer to do it.
no comebacks that way and no messin about tryin to get the screws back in, i also tell them its a better job if they take skirting and arcs off, sometimes i even get them to dustsheet the job for me too ;)
RMK said:
jesus kirk... you may aswell let them throw the plaster on the wall while they're at it. lol ;)

well to be honest you only get paid to throw the plaster on the wall so why should i do anything else? i do clean up though as that is one of my pet hates, cant stand leaving a job like a shyt hole
i'm the same kirk. sheets up, brush or hoover up. wipe any windows down. wd40 is good for the frames with immitation grain. wipe skirtings architraves and doors. leave it as clean as you found it.
NOOOOOOOO i dont skim around the socket on the wall i ment i skim around the socket once the screws are out.. and sometimes take rite off if its under a kitchen unit with a few on that way i can do a neat job
steve cov said:
i'm the same kirk. sheets up, brush or hoover up. wipe any windows down. wd40 is good for the frames with immitation grain. wipe skirtings architraves and doors. leave it as clean as you found it.

I use them Big Wipes the trade multi surface big wipes they are good aswell, yellow tub.
I also get henry out, but if no ones around henry turns into henrietta & does a real good suction job for me ;)
steve cov said:
i'm the same kirk. sheets up, brush or hoover up. wipe any windows down. wd40 is good for the frames with immitation grain. wipe skirtings architraves and doors. leave it as clean as you found it.

some times cleaner haha

its the best way mate, its how you get a good rep init. even when i used to work on site i used to leave my house spotless :)
when i was a labourer and we were on site once the flat was finished i would go round and check all the floors etc so that the chippies could walk straight in and lay their flooring. then when you need help from them they'll be more than happy to. its how it should always be.
oasis said:
NOOOOOOOO i dont skim around the socket on the wall i ment i skim around the socket once the screws are out.. and sometimes take rite off if its under a kitchen united with a few on that way i can do a neat job

kitchen united? :)
Kirk your totally hammering the posts so you can become higher class of member. And how do you have this plus 4 reputation with all this arguing going on in the screed post?? Its a conspiracy i tell yer. a Conspiracy
plasterjfe said:
Kirk your totally hammering the posts so you can become higher class of member. And how do you have this plus 4 reputation with all this arguing going on in the screed post?? Its a conspiracy i tell yer. a Conspiracy

to be honest mate av been a higher class member a few times but my posts get deleted and i become a newbi again haha, dont worry you aint missin much in the private members bit mate.

also i dont argue mate. everyone is entitled to there own opinion, but the thing with me is i wont have people take the piss. i dont mind disagreement but if someone trys to make me look like a mug i get all fired up haha i mean i do a good enough job of makin myself look like a mug without anyone helpin haha am sure everyone will agree.

an i promis you mate i dont care about how many posts i have, i am heare to try and help people and learn myself :)
how do you go on legally if you take the sockets or switches off and then put them back on, im sure some jobsworth would kick up a fuss, probably have to pay a sparky to do i bet
thats why i just take the screws out and leave it on. then its just a case of screwing back on. i swear i heard somehwere your legally allowed to change faceplates in your own home so if that is true you could just ask the customer to remove them if your worried. don't quote me on it though. might be worth looking into.
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