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Well-Known Member
Got a white render job on at the mo (s&c) the substrate is a mix of eml ,block and brick , and i just know its not going to finish right, its just got to go patchy . Really NOT looking forward to this one .

Thanks Pugster the scratch coat is even drying patchy what chance have i got really :'( lol
could you have rendaid or given it a coat of sbr slurry first to even out the suction? thats not teaching my granma to suck eggs, you're more experienced in these things than me!
I suppose you cant see it from the main road ;D but i scratched it before i knew the customer wanted white cement , the job is for a builder who only cares about the £££££, tuff time ahead me thinks
Painting it is 100% garanteed to leave a solid colour. Its cheaper than ur other options aswell and will still look good in years to come
poke the customer in the eyes just before he looks at it then take your money then kick him in the shins then leg it ......hope this helps lol
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