smelly house

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New Member
worked in house today with big mart and it stunk 2 high heaven even kim and aggy would have walked out wats the worst place you lot have ever worked in really was that bad :'( :'( :'(
what were u doin there?how come it stunk

i worked for this old dear once,,overskiming her front room, she had a little box room that was full of cats, just running freely, there was moggy sh*t evrywhere, it was f*ckin disgusting pal...and dint smell too fresh for our labourer who had to walk through it all to get the water ;D
we were skimmin big ceilin and a few walls it was a mixture of smelly dogs and dirty owners smelly gitsnot been cleaned in years
It was a dirty, stinking, smelly shithole mate.

I couldnt even have a leak cos the bog was so stinking and the bedrooms... dont go there!

Only reason i didnt walk out was the cash and my stag trip to benidorm is only 2 weeks away!
council refurbs are the worse, no offence to those who live in a council house.

1 guy we did his kitchen and his cooker was about 20 years old with 1/2 inch of grease on it, fridge was the same, except covered in dust.
my mate did the bathroom and came downstairs gipping after 10 minsnot sure what was up there as i didn't av the b0ll0x to go see.
mrspoon said:
:-X dont say that, i have an interview with the council soon!

i did a council kitchen a while back the woman had 2 big dogs and the house smelt so bad i had to go back to the site office and tell them i couldnt do it, i didnt get any more work from them as you can guess
Re-furbed some flats and an old fella lived in 1 which had THE WORST SMELL EVER!!! i refused to work in it and the site agent told me later that the old chap shat his pant one night about 6 months ago, panicked and tried to flush his pants down the bog. They never went down but he carried on using the bog and all the muck just sat in top of the pants and all the water filtered through. Agent said there was a pile about a foot high all mouldy and couldn't understand HOW he was even using it. All the other flats were full of dirty needles, i did 2 days and jacked!!!
Was skimmin a room about 6 weeks ago in a nice tidy house. The owners had lifted the carpet in the room I was working in.
Got there on the 2nd morning and they had to go out for a few hours and asked if I would'nt mind letting the cat and dog out in the garden in an hours time. No probs, they left, I let them out in the garden then 5mins later the cat strolls into the room walks to one end of the room and lays the biggest cat dump I've ever seen onto the wooden floor, jesus did it smell. I had just got my first mix on and there was no way I could work with that on the floor so I had to get bogroll and wipe it up(gagging the whole time) then flush it, but then left skiddies on the toilet bowl so had to clean that too or else the owners would have thought I was a dirty bugga.
They came home later and asked if everything was ok and hoped the animals were'nt too much trouble.
Nope, no trouble at all.
All in a days work hey.
house full of cats [4 but there everywhere] hot day had to hoover up just to lay dustsheets down .cats piss everywhere old artex skimmed cornice fixed up put me hand in bag of cove filler pull out lump of cat s**t.would you like a cup of tea.......fooke off
I've done council work too!! Some scruffy buggers in them! Me and my mate did a kitchen, supposed to be patch after rewire, bloody sparks made that much mess it was a reskim, the walls had that much grease on them you could spread it on your sarnies and your feet stuck to the floor!! Cuppa tea? No thanks luv got me own!! You should've seen the toilet!! I stuck it for a week but their WAS better work available at the time!!
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