slowwwwwing down

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The domestic work is startind to get a bit slow up here in Gateshead hope that you lot are doin ok at this very snowy time
Broonster, the snow will just put people off having work done. I remember up here in Scotland last year, it just died in the middle of november. This month, however, has been my busiest month all year!!! No snow here on the west coast as yet!!!
am the same broonster av got work inside but cant get to it half the time as a live in stanley and the snow is **** ing knee deep plenty of work if you want some mate its all internal ocr work 13,000 m2 of it
pm me if you want to talk to contractor and i will give you his number
am the same broonster av got work inside but cant get to it half the time as a live in stanley and the snow is **** ing knee deep plenty of work if you want some mate its all internal ocr work 13,000 m2 of it
pm me if you want to talk to contractor and i will give you his number

thanx for the offer mate just had a few phone calls so things are ok ,just waiting for the snow to break
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