skywalker stilts

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over the last couple of weeks ive had me eye on a pair of marshalltown stilts on ebay(christmas present to me self), i know marshalltown should be the best buy but hav any ov you lads got the cheaper ones cos £200 seems a bit steap at the moment. i think the lowest ive seen are about £60 if any 1 has these could u let me know wot their like, cheers
i know they do like a marshalltown copy on ebay at around 60 quid some of the guys from this forum use them and say they are fine
if you mean the skywalker 2's mate they have a good catch for lengthening the leg, very comfy around the calf but for me i never got on with one spring on the front, so it feels unnaturall because the heels really stiff, the other models with two springs feel alot more natural but the straps that go round youre feet struggle for length with steel toe caps and the metal catch digs into your calf .......if you use them alot i'd go with the latter because the skin will toughen and theyve got alot more of a natural feel imo
I dont use stilts cos im an accident prone fat B@@@@@D ;D

But i must reply to everything cos i need to get into the private room ;D ;D
I have one of the £60 sets from ebay made by a company called Supa

There great l certainly wouldn't spend £200 on the Marshalltown one's

They have two springs which can be adjusted and a good length on the straps

Easy to put on when your on your own as well
chris said:
I have one of the £60 sets from ebay made by a company called Supa

There great l certainly wouldn't spend £200 on the Marshalltown one's

They have two springs which can be adjusted and a good length on the straps

Easy to put on when your on your own as well

is that you wearing stils pretending to be a teapot in that picture <--
i got the skywalker 2.0 they are reali good better that any others iv seen..the other ones look a bit dated.
Got a pair of Skywalker II,They take a fair bit of getting used to.First time I used them was with a mate holding me up on platform on the back of the van whilst I practised walking around by the garage,went arse over tit and hurt like hell.Practice makes perfect.
fordon said:
Got a pair of Skywalker II,They take a fair bit of getting used to.First time I used them was with a mate holding me up on platform on the back of the van whilst I practised walking around by the garage,went arse over tit and hurt like hell.Practice makes perfect.

Mate i just cant see you on stilts!! Bet it hurt like hell ;D

Not for me stilts!!
Hit me arm on the door on the way down and smacked my knees against the bumper,thought id broken something,but dusted myself down and back on I went.Havent used them much as prefer a hop up.Used them the other week as even the platform we have wouldnt reach the ceiling,was like bampi on ice walking around.
fordon said:
Hit me arm on the door on the way down and smacked my knees against the bumper,thought id broken something,but dusted myself down and back on I went.Havent used them much as prefer a hop up.Used them the other week as even the platform we have wouldnt reach the ceiling,was like bampi on ice walking around.

:D :D :D :D
i used stilts once had the same experience as fordon "bambi on ice" i also went arse over tit ended up in a big heap on the floor couldn,t wait to get them off . planks and tressels for me once bitten and all that :-\
I've had my stilts for about 20 yrs there Dura stilts paid £250 20 yrs ago so the've come down in price :P
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