skimming s+c

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i kknow this is a bit of a silly question, but i have a job im doing tommorrow, and because of how things have panned out, i could really do with getting it done tommorrow. one wall needs to be s+c, which im doing in cpi over old bricks. if i get it on first thing, and then do 2 hits and skim it last thing, do u think itll be a prob? iv never tried it before and i know ur supposed to leave it a day at min. just wondering if any of u have done it and if it turned out ok?

Never done that before but if you whack a load bonding finish hardwall etc it will go of like rocket fuel?failing that if you haven't got the gear a load of finish in the cement maybe a rapid hardener cement.
If you put thistle in with it you will able to skim later in the day . That's a very old tip of the trade.
yeah i no that one but cheers, but im gonna be spraying it so not an option unfortunatly. but i though old bricks would prob suck in pretty quick?
How big of a wall , what about pump into tubs chuck a few handfuls of multi knock up and hand apply. What you save in time spraying
you lose waiting for a set hand apply little longer but gain with multi mixed in with it. They would have to be bone dry old bricks to able to skim later.
If that's the case mate it's 50/50 which ever way you go . Myself I would go with the multi and hand apply, knowing later I will be able to skim. I suppose with the machine it will be a whole lot quicker spraying , and keep it tight not to thick less drying time.
We do a lot of little dpc/tanking jobs and to make it viable/competetive we generally have to skim same day, so we mix 50/50 opc and quickcem set in a couple of hours and great to skim on, don't help you much unless you do as h said , or have some lab chuckin a hand full of quickcem into the hopper with ever back of cpi :RpS_unsure:
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